One is tempted to say "bends?" What are "bends".
But one might have needed to drive across the Nullarbor to really get that.
Or perhaps the road from Hobart to Queenstown by contrast. Although I suspect that is a dig at slow drivers the locals have encountered?
[Is that more the case for travellers from other countries...?]
But then - I am the one who happily drives across half of Tas to go for a day walk while the locals think it is a major undertaking...
But seriously - after 14 odd trips to Tasmania, one might think I was a Tasmaniac.
And I note a few current inhabitants with the Tasmanian super walker label did not start out walking there.
But in answer to the original question - it probably has to do with how internet blogs work or don't.
So yes - Tasmania is a bushwalking magnet - particularly in the Australian Summer.
And the number of different and dramatic walks in such a small area sets it apart from the rest of Aus.
And yes - having been setup as Bushwalk Tasmania, it clearly got a major user base from there before other blogs and facebook etc proliferated.
On another thread someone has asked about it all going quiet and that is true. But looking at how often older articles are accessed, I suspect a lot of newcomers are happy just to use it as a reference source rather than contribute.
I am just happy that it has a relatively pure bushwalking focus and is happy to store my notes and photos for posterity.