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Query... Budawangs

Sun 05 Oct, 2014 5:40 am

Is there someone who has found and used the pass off the NE side of Mt Tarn, not the saddle between Tarn and Haughton but the drop off the cliff line that you would use to get to the camping cave at the SE end of Tarn, who could accurately describe how to locate it's position. My friend and I tried many times to find the pass but were beaten by the hakea and tea tree and finally a burst boot. Cheers Gary.

Re: Query... Budawangs

Thu 16 Oct, 2014 12:40 pm

rennat wrote:Is there someone who has found and used the pass off the NE side of Mt Tarn, not the saddle between Tarn and Haughton but the drop off the cliff line that you would use to get to the camping cave at the SE end of Tarn, who could accurately describe how to locate it's position. My friend and I tried many times to find the pass but were beaten by the hakea and tea tree and finally a burst boot. Cheers Gary.

Hi rennet,
You might want to re-post your question in the New South Wales & ACT section. You probably won't get many answers here as it's only for forum related issues. Sorry I can't help, I've only walked Pigeon House Mtn and Mt Bushwalker in that region. May also need to get answers via PM as parts of the Budawangs may be considered sensitive.
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