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Will you close a thread on request?

Thu 21 Jul, 2016 1:42 pm

The advice in my thread is getting very repetitive and new people are no longer even reading it before just saying what everyone else has already said. I'm tired of reading new posts only to find this. How does one go about getting a thread closed for further discussion.

Ie what's the easiet way to find a moderate?

Re: Will you close a thread on request?

Thu 21 Jul, 2016 2:17 pm

Turn off notification in your own settings.

User Control Panel -> Board Preferences -> Edit posting defaults -> Notify me upon replies by default : No

Re: Will you close a thread on request?

Thu 21 Jul, 2016 5:07 pm

As GPS-G said, the first option would be to turn off notifications (assuming that's the annoying part).

If thats not enough and you really want the topic locked, the best way to get a moderator's attention (for any reason) is to click on the report button (! icon) at the top-right of the post in question (or the first post of the topic in question). Then fill in and submit the form.

I reckon if you have some good reason(s), the moderators will at least consider it.

Re: Will you close a thread on request?

Thu 21 Jul, 2016 5:15 pm

Don't make more work for the moderators.

Just edit your first post to start with a bold type request for people to read the whole thread before posting, and if they still want to post then to open a new thread.

Re: Will you close a thread on request?

Thu 21 Jul, 2016 9:05 pm

Stroller wrote:The advice in my thread is getting very repetitive and new people are no longer even reading it before just saying what everyone else has already said. I'm tired of reading new posts only to find this. How does one go about getting a thread closed for further discussion.

Stroller - Your topic was very useful and some great advice given. It could be a good reference for members now and in the future so therefore we won't lock this topic. If you have got what you've needed from the thread you could, as others have suggested, either unsubscribe from the thread or just not follow it any longer.

Stroller wrote:Ie what's the easiet way to find a moderate?

As per Son of a Beach's advice
Son of a Beach wrote: the best way to get a moderator's attention (for any reason) is to click on the report button (! icon) at the top-right of the post in question (or the first post of the topic in question). Then fill in and submit the form.

Re: Will you close a thread on request?

Fri 22 Jul, 2016 9:56 am

The other concept users of forums should recognise is, it is not your thread. It's a communal space and participants respond not just to help the OP but to leave the knowledge and opinion for all present and future passerbys. It's a resource for all.
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