Hiya, New member here. Looking for recipies!

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Hiya, New member here. Looking for recipies!

Postby pepperpots » Sat 11 Sep, 2010 9:22 pm

Hi guys & gals.

I joined this forum to see if I can purchase some Tyvek - as one of your members is buying & reselling by the metre. Tres cool!

I then saw this topic - Bush tucker. Very Nice.

Right now I am just starting out in Hiking - and have a few recipies.

I have opened up a competition on my blog for anyone who submits recipies - the best one wins a copy of "A long Trek Home" which is a cool book about a couple that trekked accross america, canada and into Alaska. Very inspiring.

I won the book from a friend in Melbourne (GrumpyWookie) with a post about penny stoves :)

So check out the competition - I'll be reading through the recipies here - and if anyone wants to submit you are more than welcome.

See: http://pepper-pots.com/a_long_trek_home/

Thanks in advance! In the meantime I am browsing through these yummy recipies.

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Re: Hiya, New member here. Looking for recipies!

Postby pepperpots » Mon 13 Sep, 2010 10:53 pm

My recipie:

Hi there - to get us started - I want to post a recipie I posted up on pepper-pots

"Charlie Moreland Surprise"

2 Apples
Quick oats (about a cup)
dark chocolate (2 rows)
port (about 1/2 cup)
water. (a splosh)

slice the apples & arrange in pot, and cover with a bit of water & port
cook till soft
add oatmeal & more water & port
cook on high heat.
Add crumbled chocolate & enjoy.

the chocolate melts into the gooey, mushy mess and it is GREAT.

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Re: Hiya, New member here. Looking for recipies!

Postby pepperpots » Mon 27 Sep, 2010 10:17 pm

And another recipie:

Tuna Cheesy Macaroni

Cup of Dried Macaroni
Can of Tuna (weighty, I know!)
4 tblspn milk powder,
4 tblspn plain flour
1/2 cup grated cheese
1 shallot for flavour - chopped small
a bit of oil.

Seperate all ingredients in ziploc bags.

fry up the shallot in some oil
Add the milk powder & flour and some water to make a thick paste.
boil up the macaroni & add to the paste or vice versa depending on how many pans you have.
once stirred through, add the tuna & heat through
add the grated cheese to the top of each bowl.

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Re: Hiya, New member here. Looking for recipies!

Postby Liamy77 » Wed 29 Sep, 2010 7:33 pm

check out the "food to go" ebook (no connection other than that i bought it n gave it a read).... it is mentioned on this site too if you do a search... it has some good ideas etc and has a fair bit of info combined into one package..... otherwise there a lot of recipies with a bit of browsing in the forum... most things can be pre-dehydrated with a cheap dehydrator especially cheap if you frequent garage sales etc too and put in a snaploc bag - beats carryin the cans in and out on walks!....
knowledge's lighter than gadgets..but gadgets can be fun!
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Re: Hiya, New member here. Looking for recipies!

Postby juju » Thu 21 Oct, 2010 7:25 am

Thai Noodles
1/2 cup dried poo... Mushrooms
1/4 cup coconut milk powder
Packet Spicy Thai Noodles
!/4 cup Dried beans
1/4 cup dried shrimp or can prawns

Soak poo... and beans in a cup of hot water 20 mins (or less) while you make camp.
Bring back to boiling and add Noodles (and dried shrimp).
Cook a minute.
Add flavours from Noodle pack and cook another minute.
Remove from heat and stir through coconut milk.
We'll get fit on the way.
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