Cape Pillar freedom walking - water availability?

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Cape Pillar freedom walking - water availability?

Postby myrtlegirl » Wed 26 Jan, 2022 8:22 pm

Hello all,

I'm going to head out to Cape Pillar in the next day or 2, and I'm hoping to get up to date info on water availability from creeks, and tips via PM about some of the old campsites that might be used if I got desperate. I know there's official sites at Wughalee Falls (damp, cold, ridden with blood sucking pestilence) and another at Bare Knoll near Lunchtime Creek.

- Lunchtime Creek used to have the best and most reliable water - is this still the case?
- There used to be a sign 'water 100m' about 10min past the Arthur's Peak junction, with a small campsite near a creek whose name I won't mention - is the sign (& water) still there?
- about 250m before Calculation Hill, there was water 100m SW of the track - still there?
- Perdition Ponds can sometimes have drinkable water, what's it like at present?

Thanks folks!
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Cape Pillar freedom walking - water availability?

Postby BLOODNUT87 » Wed 26 Jan, 2022 11:41 pm

There is toilets and water at bare knole campsite yes the sign down to that creek is still there but when I was there it looked rank as so I continued on with water with me and then ended up coming to heaps of can go down to the huts and grab water...check my latest clip from a few months ago.....TAS HIKING ADVENTURES on YouTube
Cheers have fun and be safe....take ya time enjoy the views and trol some mainlanders like I did haha
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Re: Cape Pillar freedom walking - water availability?

Postby headwerkn » Thu 27 Jan, 2022 10:00 am

Did a run around the 'free capes' circuit (Old Cape Pillar track to Cape Pillar, return via eastern side/Three Capes track) yesterday and as you'd expect it's very dry currently.

We didn't check out the signposted "Water" sign near the start of the Old Pillar track, Lunchtime Creek looked very low and anything further south (Perdition Ponds etc) would be strictly for-survival only IMHO ie. scummy and stagnant. Completely dry beyond Retakunna Hut to Cape Hauy/Fortescue. Of course this may all change if some of the forecast rain eventuates ;-)

Free hikers and trail runners are perfectly entitled to top up water and use toilet facilities at the Three Capes huts, you'll just want 2-3L of water carrying capacity with you at a minimum to not get caught out in between especially if its a warm day.
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Re: Cape Pillar freedom walking - water availability?

Postby myrtlegirl » Tue 01 Feb, 2022 3:45 pm

- Lunchtime Creek used to have the best and most reliable water - is this still the case? - Yup. Flowing well. There were several very private, sheltered campsites next to the creek, just delightful. 250m track to creek is north of Munro hut. Not easy to find unless you know where to look for where the track comes off the main track to the creek; it's easy to describe the start, PM me.

- There used to be a sign 'water 100m' about 10min past the Arthur's Peak junction, with a small campsite near a creek whose name I won't mention - is the sign (& water) still there? - Yup, slow flowing but deep water, looked good, campsite just nearby. There was an eel there too. Given the sign is still there, I'll name the creek - it's Denmans.

- about 250m before Calculation Hill, there was water 100m SW of the track - still there? - Didn't find this, didn't look though.

- Perdition Ponds can sometimes have drinkable water, what's it like at present? - The ponds were quite full, water wasn't brackish but I'd still boil it. The track was VERY overgrown at the northern end, and easy to find if you know where to look, PM me for details.

I also found a lovely campsite called The Oasis, with several large open sandy sites and several sites under tea tree, with a large shallow pond that wouldn't last long in hot or dry weather. It's about 20-30 min north of The Blade. Again, PM me for details.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Cape Pillar freedom walking - water availability?

Postby Magic » Sat 12 Nov, 2022 8:33 am

myrtlegirl wrote: PM me.

Hi myrtlegirl

I am looking to take my kids to Cape Pillar in a few weeks - I was doing some research and came across your post and would be interested in some more detail on the camping spots near Lunchtime Creek/Munro Hut and The Oasis.

We plan on going during the week and so Bare Knoll is unlikely to be crowded, but I prefer to stay away from people when I can :D

I can't seem to PM you and so was hoping you might be able to contact me??

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Re: Cape Pillar freedom walking - water availability?

Postby myrtlegirl » Sun 13 Nov, 2022 7:29 pm

Got your PM, have replied.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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