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Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Fri 16 Nov, 2018 11:03 pm

Any hints?

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sat 17 Nov, 2018 12:30 am

jonnosan wrote:I can't quit place the distant range, although 95% sure its somewhere in the greater blue mountains area. Brown Dog Ridge perhaps?

Not Brown Dog Ridge but it is in the Blueys.

puredingo wrote:Any hints?

The devil is in the detail.

If it doesn't rain Sat. I'm in the bush all day, will check this when I get back.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sat 17 Nov, 2018 7:36 pm

jonnosan wrote:I can't quit place the distant range, although 95% sure its somewhere in the greater blue mountains area. Brown Dog Ridge perhaps?

Not Brown Dog Ridge but it is in the Blueys.

puredingo wrote:Any hints?

The devil is in the detail.

Although jonnosan's guess was a location elsewhere, at least one word is in the answer.

The picture jumped off the page, so here it is again. There is a significant water course below here.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sat 17 Nov, 2018 8:26 pm

I still can't place the distant range but I do know there is a place called Browns Ridge, near the Devils Wilderness, above the Grose River, which may fit the clues.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sat 17 Nov, 2018 9:53 pm

jonnosan wrote:I still can't place the distant range but I do know there is a place called Browns Ridge, near the Devils Wilderness, above the Grose River, which may fit the clues.

That's it jonnosan. End of Browns Ridge above the Grose River, in the Devils Wilderness precinct.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 18 Nov, 2018 12:12 am

thanks johnw

I will have to pass - anyone who wants can post the next photo.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 18 Nov, 2018 8:17 am

Apologies to those in other states and territories who might not have been to this NP in Victoria. Which mountain was I approaching?

Approaching Mt Rosea, Grampians NP
Last edited by peregrinator on Mon 19 Nov, 2018 7:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 18 Nov, 2018 12:22 pm

The mountain is WNW from Melbourne. The distance is stated as 140 miles on the toposcope installed at this summit.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 18 Nov, 2018 5:45 pm

Mount Misery?

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 18 Nov, 2018 5:57 pm

Lophophaps wrote:Mount Misery?

Not the Mt Misery that's WNW from Melbourne. Note that the toposcope was installed prior to metrication.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 18 Nov, 2018 6:24 pm

This looks like the grampians. Is this Mt William?

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 18 Nov, 2018 6:27 pm

Mt William can be seen from there.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 19 Nov, 2018 5:16 am

Series of rude words! I thought it was a Grampians pic but I used 140 kilometres. Did we not go metric on 14 February 1966? Mount Rosea?

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 19 Nov, 2018 7:44 am

Rosea it is. This cute rock formation is just 10 minutes below the summit, as the latter comes into view.

The currency went metric on that date. The swap to metric distances for our roads was made on 1 July 1974. All sorts of dates for all sorts of other stuff.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 19 Nov, 2018 11:30 am

This sort of confusion is what happens when one gets old! No matter. Still in Victoria.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 19 Nov, 2018 12:55 pm

Lone Conifer Flat?

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 19 Nov, 2018 1:28 pm

Lone Conjoined Triplets Conifer Flat.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 19 Nov, 2018 2:10 pm

Not even close. How can you tell it's a conifer? I was told it was a redgum. The tree was singing
Mum and dad and Danny saw the passing out parade at Puckapunyal.
It was a long march from cadets.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 19 Nov, 2018 2:55 pm

Somewhere in Wonnangatta Station?

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 19 Nov, 2018 3:27 pm

Lophophaps wrote:Not even close. How can you tell it's a conifer? I was told it was a redgum. The tree was singing
Mum and dad and Danny saw the passing out parade at Puckapunyal.
It was a long march from cadets.

Good band and a good song. There's a Helicopter Flat at Lake Mountain, so God help me, I'll have a try at that.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 19 Nov, 2018 3:32 pm

Not Wonnangatta Valley, but it has the same character. A fair way north-east, but south of the Murray River. Not Lake Mountain either.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 19 Nov, 2018 3:54 pm

Lophophaps wrote:Not Wonnangatta Valley, but it has the same character. A fair way north-east, but south of the Murray River. Not Lake Mountain either.

Following the clues. The Barmah NP is the home to the largest Redgum forest in the world. It is south of the Murray and NE of Wonnangatta.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 19 Nov, 2018 6:00 pm

reminds me a bit of the Nariel valley (and several others up that way. Isn't the tall tree a Poplar?)

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 19 Nov, 2018 6:24 pm

Barmah NP is more north of the Wonnangatta than NE. Not Barmah. Not the Nariel Valley either. The tree is a poplar, or three. There used to be a hut at the tree. This is south of the Murray River but the river is much closer by going east. Just south of east over the river a short way - although one would need to be mad to take this route - is a very prominent mountain. The tree is in the Alpine National Park.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Tue 20 Nov, 2018 7:47 am

Think your photo angle was being a bit sneaky making it look like a single tree - looks like the old Buenba hut site.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Tue 20 Nov, 2018 8:58 am

The reason you think it looks like the old Buenba hut site is simple - that is where the pic was taken. This is on the AAWT, Chapman distance 358. Not many bushwalkers get there; it's remote. Going up Johnnies Top later that day in a lot of heat was not much fun. All yours.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Tue 20 Nov, 2018 10:14 am

So this was your walk in the light green; can I assume you was only 19 at the time?

Chapman backs up the comment from Last about poplars. Johnw and I need botany lessons.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Tue 20 Nov, 2018 11:19 am

Lets head back to NSW. This photo is testament to how pathetic my recent bushwalking activities have been (and may be somewhat breaking the rules).

Name both mountains that can occasionally be visible from my street when it’s a clear day.


Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Tue 20 Nov, 2018 12:05 pm

I'll open the bidding with Mt Hay and Mt Tomah.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Tue 20 Nov, 2018 12:18 pm

I'll pay that Tyreless - I originally thought it was Hay and Banks but I now suspect that the bulk of the mountain outline on the right is probably Tomah, with only the top of Banks showing slightly left of centre of the outline. Not positive on this though

On a cool and windy day (minimal smog and heat haze) I'll have to get my good camera out and do some zooming........ Fire away Tyreless
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