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Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 04 Feb, 2018 7:23 am

Yes, it's a hut. When I said N of Derschkos I mean more northerly, actually NE, Im looking directly away from Boobee. There's one other hut closer than Boobee to the hut I'm at. The creek and ridge share the same name. Someone had mown the lawn 2 weeks prior according to the log book but this place didn't seem to get many visitors.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 04 Feb, 2018 9:15 am

Cesjacks. Heaps of people go to O'Keefes - it's a main route for bushwalkers and cyclists - so that is ruled out. Problem is Cesjacks is nearly due east of Derschkos. Huts in a broad sector NE of Derschkos are O'Keefes, Round Mountain, and Mackays. Or have I missed something?

If the advice that not many people go there is inaccurate then it's O'Keefes.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 04 Feb, 2018 2:16 pm

Cesjacks is way south. It's NE of Boobee! Lhh, you may not have been to this hut but I know you've been to the next closest hut which is 2k NE and can be reached via that ridge...quite a bush bash.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 04 Feb, 2018 2:46 pm

KHA has a map of huts at ... active-map
The only hut NE of Boobee Hut is Brooks Hut. My maps are quite old, and Brooks is marked on some as burnt down, a hut site. KHA informs me that Brooks has been rebuilt. The closest vehicular track is Happy Jacks. Grey Mare FT is a little further away. I have been to Happys, nice little scrub bash down from the ridge.

So I reckon Brooks.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 04 Feb, 2018 4:14 pm

Well done Lop...Brooks it is and I can assure you it's there.

Late Feb 2016 it had only seen a handful of visitors over the summer with more the previous winter. We walked from Happys along Arsenic Creek (in the photo)...a bit of a detour from the AAWT and camped outside on beautiful fluffy grass away from the mown section. It was like a waterbed. I sleep much better in the tent than on the floor of a hut. The Parks worker who cut the grass left an entry in the log book stating he'd cut the grass with a pair of scissors :lol:

The photo's looking NE from the front more or less towards Happys 2k away. Water in the gully.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 04 Feb, 2018 6:00 pm

GBW, thank you. It did not assist that I forgot that Grey Mare FT keeps going eastish from Mackays, my maps are quite old, and my Khancoban 1:50 stops at just east of Tibeaudo Creek at Happy Jacks Plain. East of here I have an old 1:100. Scissors are silly - I use goats to mow lawns. At least I was right about the shadow. Water in gullies is good. One Bogong High Plains 1:25 map had water on a ridge, with a creek crossing the ridge. Oops. The same series had one map with forest on the edge, and the map next to it with no forest.

This is in southern NSW, aka Victoria. It should be easier than Brooks!

Crinoline campsite.png

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 05 Feb, 2018 8:08 am

Looks very similar to spots I've camped near King Billy 1, and also on the Viking. Need to check out my own archives . . .

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Tue 06 Feb, 2018 9:52 am

NNW has been very helpful.
Not having been to the Cobberras, that is where my thoughts first drifted.
But I am now confident that the view is of the Razor.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Tue 06 Feb, 2018 11:36 am

eggs wrote:NNW has been very helpful.

We aim to please. Sometimes.
Not having been to the Cobberras, that is where my thoughts first drifted.

You don't get that red gravel in the Cobberas, AFAIR.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Tue 06 Feb, 2018 12:59 pm

It is the Razor. I believe that NNW and I camped on the same spot, a somewhat exposed place just below the summit of the Viking. Crinoline and Viking are the only two places in the Victorian mountains that I'm aware of that have red gravel. I need to stop leaving big clues, maybe post pics taken at night with no flash. All yours, Eggs.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Tue 06 Feb, 2018 1:25 pm

I thought NNW would get it for the Viking.
I was just noting that her suggestion led to me recognising the Razor.

" I need to stop leaving big clues, maybe post pics taken at night with no flash.

Not sure what the difference would be to some of the ones you have already posted... :roll:
Some people say a quick game is a good one.

Name 1 or more of these 3 peaks in SA.
View from Octopus Hill - Cleft Peak and behind it is Mt John Roberts and at the back is Benbonyathe Hill
Last edited by eggs on Thu 08 Feb, 2018 1:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Wed 07 Feb, 2018 11:11 am

We were coming down from an Octopus at the time

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Thu 08 Feb, 2018 1:12 pm

eggs wrote:We were coming down from an Octopus at the time

That took some research, again (ultimately the clue helped a lot). By the time I manage to visit this part of the world I should be able to recognise everything :). I'm guessing that you are descending Octopus Hill in the Gammon Ranges and looking at Cleft Peak. Although I found a similar image claiming to be taken from Mt McKinlay.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Thu 08 Feb, 2018 1:27 pm

Well done John.
I suspect a few might have travelled in the Gammons, but the game is slowing down a lot.
The main peak is Cleft - and behind it is John Roberts and at the back is Benbonyathe Hill - the highest point in the Gammons.

Not sure about recognising everything - the Flinders are very long, and there are lots I have not been to which are yet to be featured here.
It might have been faster to read one of my trip reports...
[Definitely not the view from McKinley - that view is obscured by Breaking Wave]

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Fri 09 Feb, 2018 9:01 am

eggs wrote:Well done John.
I suspect a few might have travelled in the Gammons, but the game is slowing down a lot.
The main peak is Cleft - and behind it is John Roberts and at the back is Benbonyathe Hill - the highest point in the Gammons.

Not sure about recognising everything - the Flinders are very long, and there are lots I have not been to which are yet to be featured here.
It might have been faster to read one of my trip reports...
[Definitely not the view from McKinley - that view is obscured by Breaking Wave]

Thanks eggs, I was being somewhat flippant :). I know it's an extensive area and looking forward to eventually visiting parts of it.

I'm under the pump today if anyone wants jump in, otherwise I'll put one up tonight.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Fri 09 Feb, 2018 10:13 pm

NSW, where am I standing?
PC317545 resized.jpg
Looking towards the valley of Bullock Yard Creek, from just east of the unnamed 2077m peak on Kangaroo Ridge - Kosciuskzo NP via Charlotte Pass NSW
Last edited by johnw on Sun 11 Feb, 2018 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sat 10 Feb, 2018 7:49 pm

This one is probably a bit harder than usual. I don't know that many bother to walk out here but it's quite accessible and interesting. I'm a few metres below the summit of a >2000m "peak" behind me but it's unnamed. The name of the ridge I'm on will do. Bonus point for the creek valley opposite.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 11 Feb, 2018 3:50 pm

Are you looking over Albina Lake at Lady Northcotes Canyon, just above Northcote Pass?

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 11 Feb, 2018 5:16 pm

Kangaroo Ridge - with Bullock Yard Creek in view?
I presume your unnamed peak is at 2077m?

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 11 Feb, 2018 5:17 pm

GregR wrote:Are you looking over Albina Lake at Lady Northcotes Canyon, just above Northcote Pass?

eggs wrote:Is this the Porcupine walk?

I'm walking off track quite a few kms from either of those, and facing east. That rules out Northcote Pass overlooking Albina, although it is a couple of kms closer to me than the Porcupine (Rocks) walk (as the crow flies).

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 11 Feb, 2018 5:19 pm

eggs wrote:Kangaroo Ridge - with Bullock Yard Creek in view?
I presume your unnamed peak is at 2077m?

Looks like you came in just before I replied to the previous guesses :lol:.
Yes eggs, good work 100% correct, and you get the bonus point.
I walked the length of Kangaroo Ridge and beyond over two separate days - first from the Kosci walkway to west of my approx. position, then to here via Mt Stillwell.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Sun 11 Feb, 2018 11:07 pm

Thanks John.
First guess was a bit wild.
Second was with more reference to maps.

Back to Vic. What are we approaching?
Twin Knobs, Razorback track to Feathertop
Last edited by eggs on Mon 12 Feb, 2018 8:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 12 Feb, 2018 4:08 am

Twin Knobs, Razorback, Feathertop behind.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 12 Feb, 2018 8:36 am


Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 12 Feb, 2018 9:11 am

Thanks. This is in Victoria, some years ago. My stopping technique is now nothing like you see in the picture.

Self arrest Long Spur.JPG

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 12 Feb, 2018 9:32 am

I get the feeling you're somewhere on Bogong, maybe Quartz ridge?

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 12 Feb, 2018 10:08 am

Not on Bogong, which is much broader, although Quartz Ridge is narrow in a few places.

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 12 Feb, 2018 4:04 pm

The Razorback?

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 12 Feb, 2018 7:13 pm

The Razorback is about 10 kilometres long. Where on The Razorback?

Re: Game: Where-is-it (Aussie)

Mon 12 Feb, 2018 7:58 pm

Lophophaps wrote:The Razorback is about 10 kilometres long. Where on The Razorback?

Somewhere between Diamantina Hut and Feathertop! High Knob?
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