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NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
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Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Thu 13 Aug, 2015 9:11 am

Hey Folks,

Making progress with this. Ive just downloaded the 8.6GB spot5 woody extent layer and am trying to integrate it in to my maps. Im having an error trying to create directories from the ruby scrip and I have no idea how to configure the permissions. I would also like to verify that the downloaded file is correct as I am not able to open it in any viewer (incl IrfanView).

Does anyone know how/where to set ruby create dir permissions in windows or what my problem might be?

bounds: bounds.gpx
margin: 15

scale: 25000

rotation: 0

#- nsw/vegetation-2008-v2
- nsw/vegetation-spot5
- declination
- relief
- nsw/topographic
- grid
- nsw/reserves
- nsw/holdings
- nsw/survey

  path: C:\Users\schulzc\Downloads\nswtopo-master\test\s5hgps_nsw_y20082012_bcvl0.tif
  embed: false
#- plantation
#- nsw/reference-topo-current
#- nsw/aerial

#  path: C:\Users\schulzc\Downloads\vegetation\Data\nswintext08\hdr.adf
#  colour:
#    woody: light green      # alternately specify a hex triplet, e.g. "#C2FFC2"
#    non-woody: white

#utm: true

  interval: 1000                 # interval between grid lines (1000 metres by default)
  width: 0.1                     # width in millimetres of the marked lines on the map
  #label-spacing: 5               # number of gridlines between successive labels
  label-spacing: false
    font-size: 2.75              # font size (in mm) of the grid labels
    font-family: 'Arial Narrow'  # font family for the labels

  spacing: 1000           # perpendicular spacing of magnetic declination lines in metres
  width: 0.2              # width of the marked lines on the map, in millimetres
  stroke: red             # colour of magnetic declination lines (as a hex triplet or web colour)
  arrows: 50             # spacing in mm of directional arrows (set to 'false' for no arrows)

- png: 600
- map

#rasterise: C:\Users\schulzc\Downloads\nswtopo-master\test\phantomjs\bin\phantomjs.exe
#rasterise: C:\Users\schulzc\Downloads\batik-1.8
rasterise: C:\Program Files\Inkscape\inkscape.exe

and the error:

C:\Users\schulzc\Downloads\nswtopo-master\test>ruby nswtopo.rb
Calculating map bounds...
Map details:
  name: map
  size: 237mm x 162mm
  scale: 1:25000
  rotation: 0.0 degrees
  extent: 5.9km x 4.1km
Creating: nsw.vegetation-spot5, 1187x815 (1.0Mpx) @ 5.0 m/px
convert.exe: unable to open image `C:/Users/schulzc/Downloads/nswtopo-master/tes
t/d20150813-7964-1af6rj6/nsw.vegetation-spot5-clut.png': No such file or directo
ry @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2692.
convert.exe: unable to open file `C:/Users/schulzc/Downloads/nswtopo-master/test
/d20150813-7964-1af6rj6/nsw.vegetation-spot5-clut.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImag
convert.exe: no images defined `C:/Users/schulzc/Downloads/nswtopo-master/test/d
20150813-7964-1af6rj6/nsw.vegetation-spot5-mask.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertIm
convert.exe: unable to open image `C:/Users/schulzc/Downloads/nswtopo-master/tes
t/d20150813-7964-1af6rj6/nsw.vegetation-spot5-mask.png': No such file or directo
ry @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2692.
convert.exe: unable to open file `C:/Users/schulzc/Downloads/nswtopo-master/test
/d20150813-7964-1af6rj6/nsw.vegetation-spot5-mask.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImag
convert.exe: no images defined `C:/Users/schulzc/Downloads/nswtopo-master/test/d
20150813-7964-1af6rj6/nsw.vegetation-spot5.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCo
C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:1391:in `initialize': No such file or
directory @ rb_sysopen - C:/Users/schulzc/Downloads/nswtopo-master/test/d2015081
3-7964-1af6rj6/nsw.vegetation-spot5.png (Errno::ENOENT)
        from C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:1391:in `open'
        from C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:1391:in `copy_file'
        from C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:485:in `copy_file'
        from C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:402:in `block in cp'
        from C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:1570:in `block in fu_each
        from C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:1586:in `fu_each_src_dest
        from C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:1568:in `fu_each_src_dest
        from C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:401:in `cp'
        from nswtopo.rb:1304:in `block in create'
        from nswtopo.rb:67:in `block in mktmppath'
        from C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/tmpdir.rb:88:in `mktmpdir'
        from nswtopo.rb:66:in `mktmppath'
        from nswtopo.rb:1303:in `create'
        from nswtopo.rb:2975:in `block in run'
        from nswtopo.rb:77:in `yield'
        from nswtopo.rb:77:in `block (2 levels) in recover'
        from nswtopo.rb:75:in `each'
        from nswtopo.rb:75:in `block in recover'
        from nswtopo.rb:2974:in `each'
        from nswtopo.rb:2974:in `each'
        from nswtopo.rb:2974:in `run'
        from nswtopo.rb:3145:in `<main>'

Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Fri 28 Aug, 2015 2:34 pm

Firstly I would like to say how awesome this project is. I've spent the past day or so fiddling around with it.

I am running into some problems with styling my maps. My config style parameters seem to be ignored when running this script.

Here is a copy of my config file.

name: rogaine
bounds: tracks.kml
margin: 15
scale: 15000
rotation: magnetic

#- -33.792649999999995
#- -33.84339444444445
#- 151.13678888888887
#- 151.17326944444443

#- nsw/vegetation-2008-v2
- nsw/vegetation-spot5
- nsw/topographic
- nsw/topo-extras
#- nsw/holdings
- nsw/reserves
- declination
- grid
- tracks.kml

   path: /Users/admin/Desktop/MapData/s5hgps_nsw_y20082012_bcvl0.tif

stroke: "#0033CC"           # mark tracks in blue...
stroke-width: 0.2     # ...with a width of 0.2mm
dash: 4 2             # add a 4mm/2mm dash to the track, if desired

#path: /Users/admin/Desktop/MapData/NSWInterimNativeVegetationExtentV2_2008/Data/nswintext08/hdr.adf
#woody: light green      # alternately specify a hex triplet, e.g. "#C2FFC2"
#non-woody: white

   fill:"#DADADA" #light grey

I am trying to get the track overlay to be styled. I have checked the svg file and the layer is in-fact there it just has a transparent outline and fill.
If anyone could give me some tips that would be great.

Also does anyone know of any topographic services for outside nsw. Specifically NT and QLD?

Kind Regards,

Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Mon 31 Aug, 2015 7:07 pm

TimmySchmid wrote:I am trying to get the track overlay to be styled. I have checked the svg file and the layer is in-fact there it just has a transparent outline and fill.
If anyone could give me some tips that would be great.

This works for me:

- grid
- tracks.gpx

- pdf

  stroke: "#0000FF"     # blue
  stroke-width: 0.6
  dash: 2 2
  opacity: 0.45

I'm not sure if the indenting is significant, but I suspect it is because otherwise what is there to connect the attributes with tracks.

Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Tue 27 Oct, 2015 10:03 pm

I've been using nswtopo regularly now for a number of months now without any issues, however on trying today I was presented with an error. I then checked the github website and saw that there was a new version out so I updated from v1.0 to v1.1 but it didn't solve the problem.

It seems to only happen when downloading the NSW topographic vector data, and doesn't appear if I exclude nsw/topographic.roads

Anyone else getting the same "Error: 503 "Service Unavailable" message?

Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Wed 28 Oct, 2015 2:02 pm

Is it back up again? - 503 error are normally temporary unless you are putting a hell of a strain on the server

Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Mon 09 Nov, 2015 12:48 am

Does anyone know how/where to set ruby create dir permissions in windows or what my problem might be?

It is a while since the post but still an issue for anyone else.
The problem is with one of the GDAL utilities the script uses. The script passes a command line and for some reason that causes a crash in that utility on Windows. It is a long time since I looked but at the time I was able to reproduce the error by stepping through the script and capturing the command line and trying it out directly in cmd.exe terminal. It crashes. The exact same command works fine (as does the script for spot5) on OSX and Linux.
Since the GDAL utility crashes the temporary file is not created and the next step which you captured outputs the missing file error.
I have tried a few different versions of the GDAL utilities with the same result so I just use my Mac if I want spot5

Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Mon 08 Feb, 2016 8:52 pm

Not sure if this is a recent thing since I haven't used this tool for a while. I've noticed that LPI appears to have updated their hydrography (creeks & rivers) data. However, they haven't updated their contour data at the same time. So now the contour data and hydrography data no longer line up!

Here's a couple of examples of what I'm talking about. This is from the SIX Viewer around Du Faur Creek on the Mt Wilson map. The bottom section of creek in particular cuts across a significant cliff band and a bunch of contours.
du_faur_creek.jpg (92.92 KiB) Viewed 28092 times

Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Mon 08 Feb, 2016 9:31 pm

Wow, that's shocking! I'll try and get onto the Department of Lands when I get the chance.

Definitely time to form a NSW bushwalking mapping group

Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Fri 12 Feb, 2016 11:23 am

Does anyone know an additional link for the spot5 woody data (or would be kind enough to upload their copy somewhere)? ... t_and_fpc/ is now an empty folder.

Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Thu 07 Apr, 2016 8:18 am

timmo567 wrote:Does anyone know an additional link for the spot5 woody data (or would be kind enough to upload their copy somewhere)?

Matt has updated the link: ... _bcvl0.tif

Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Sun 08 May, 2016 1:49 pm

Hi all,

Realise this is an old tread but hoping some may still trawl this space and be able to help. I have followed the directions to download and try to run the nswtopo script, despite having a nswtopo.cfg and bounds.kml file in the directory the nswtopo.rb file is running from, I continue to get the error 'Could not find any configuration file (nswtopo.cfg) or bounds file (bounds.kml).

If anyone can offer some pointers that would be great.



Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Sun 08 May, 2016 5:23 pm

Hi Steve,
The config and bounds files need to be in your current directory, not the same directory as nswtopo.rb.

Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Tue 23 Aug, 2016 10:12 am

For those who are following this thread, I note that Matt has released an update for this yesterday. I haven't had a look, but it may fix some of the recent problems for NSW maps due to server moves and reconfigurations.

Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Tue 23 Aug, 2016 11:40 pm

Thanks for letting us know Tom, looks like it's back to working properly, I was able to use it this evening. Only thing that seems to be missing is the 'holdings' layer which I'm not really surprised about.

Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Sun 18 Sep, 2016 4:19 pm


When I add the nsw/vegetation-spot5 layer and specify the extant file in the path parameter, I receive an "Invalid parameter" error and the HDD turns on permanently. Has anyone else experienced this? Anyone able to give me a working config file (windows) that I can adapt to see whats wrong?


Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Wed 20 Sep, 2017 12:28 pm

I tried to make a map yesterday and it looks like the nsw/topo-extras layer is dead.

I kept getting an error as the script was going through the download phase. As I am not a ruby person it took me a while to research the error message then go through the script and come up with a possible reason. Amazingly, I worked it out. I rem-ed out the nsw/topo-extras line from the include section of the cfg file and it worked.

Gets to here:
Downloading: nsw.topo-extras

Then dies and gives this error message:
...nswtopo/lib/nswtopo/feature_source.rb:70:in `arcgis_features': undefined method `fetch' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

This first error creates a cascade of errors (which took me some time to realise). I thought I would add this to this thread in case anyone else encounters this problem.

Not sure if this is a permanent or just a temporary issue so I will try again in a few days to see if the nsw/topo-extras can be downloaded again.


Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Sat 26 Sep, 2020 5:08 pm

Thanks for sharing the nswtopo project, it's pretty cool.

I've managed to get it working for NSW (I had to make sure I used Ruby 2.5 not Ruby 2.7) and it took a while for me to find the working directory to save the .kml file (eventually realised it was in the C:/User/MyName folder).

But I haven't got it to work for other states (I've tested SA and Tasmania and the code returns a blank map).

Does anyone know how to apply the program to different states? Is there a quick fix, or does it require substantial rework?


Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Mon 28 Sep, 2020 8:52 am

Bezlaw wrote:But I haven't got it to work for other states (I've tested SA and Tasmania and the code returns a blank map).

Does anyone know how to apply the program to different states? Is there a quick fix, or does it require substantial rework?

States are only available if their lands department has made the relevant layers available. This is the case for NSW, Tas and some aspects of ACT. A note on the site says:
Tasmanian map layers are temporarily (February 2019) removed for nswtopo version 2.0.0, but will be re-instated for next patch release.

If you can find the same info for other states/territories, then it could be added to the NSWTopo Layers repository. NSW seems a long way ahead of the game in terms of providing open GIS data.

Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Mon 28 Sep, 2020 10:11 pm

Bezlaw wrote:But I haven't got it to work for other states (I've tested SA and Tasmania and the code returns a blank map).

You don't say which version you are using, but if it's 2.0 then it only downloads map data from NSW. I'm using v1.6.1 which works with NSW and TAS. I don't think andy version has worked with SA, or any other states. I have a modified version that works for VIC (not my own work). There were coding changes as well as all the layer definitions.

I haven't really looked at 2.0 because I don't like the change from a configuration file to command line options, as well as not supporting TAS.


Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Thu 02 Nov, 2023 9:08 am

Figured I'd just continue this thread to keep it all in the one place.

I note that Matt Hollingworth has released v3 of the NSWTopo program (

Just wondering if anyone else has got version 3 running under Windows? I know Matt does his testing on MacOS/Linux so Windows is always more likely to have issues.

Initially to get it working I had a few config related issues that I was able to resolve (happy to share info on these if anyone runs into problems). I then hacked the Ruby code (chrome.rb) to avoid the check on the minimum Chrome version (Chrome under Windows doesn't have a --version parameter!). However, I then hit another Chrome issue when it came to rendering:
C:/Users/brennant/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/nswtopo-3.1/lib/nswtopo/chrome.rb:121:in `spawn': wrong file descriptor (3) (ArgumentError)

My guess is that it's probably also related to Chrome on Windows, but my Ruby skills are limited to non-existent so hard for me to debug. I'd be interested if anyone has got it to work.

Re: make your own NSW topo maps [large images]

Mon 13 Nov, 2023 8:59 am

I didn't get NSWTopo working directly on Windows. However, I was able to install WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), which allows you to use Linux on a Windows machine, and got it running there.

For those who are interested, I wrote up my notes on how to get set up at:
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