Partner for fast Bibbulmun Track hike

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Partner for fast Bibbulmun Track hike

Postby jimmeyer176 » Tue 02 Nov, 2010 3:26 pm


I'm a relatively experienced long distance hiker who is interested in hiking the Bibbulmun Track, end to end, in somewhat of a fast timeframe by most standards. I have done a number of 800-1000km hikes over the years but all solo, and would like to hike with another person who enjoys 'hiking' more than 'camping'. I would like to hike the Bibbulmun in about 30-35 days or thereabouts, which in my experience is quick but certainly achievable. I haven't thought about when to go at this stage, only that summer is probably not a good idea! In theory, perhaps a start date of next September would be ideal. I'm 35, male and originally from the US (unfortunately haha), live in Sydney. If interested send me an email, happy trails!

jimmeyer176 [at]
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Partner for fast Bibbulmun Track hike

Postby alambo » Fri 05 Aug, 2011 11:43 pm

Yeah Gday ,

I'm hoping to do the E2E at the end of Sept 2011 and whilst i will have no idea how long i will take , i am hoping to give the record a nudge of sixteen days 8 hours and 15 mins, if that doesn't work out I'm hoping just to finish lol.

I'm also looking to meet up with fellow trekkers along the way for anyone that is interested
Nothofagus cunninghamii
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Partner for fast Bibbulmun Track hike

Postby jacko1956 » Sat 06 Aug, 2011 1:16 pm

Hi Jim
If you are still going around September I "may" be doing it also around then with a view to similar speeds.
I'm more inclined to walk mostly solo but may be able to pair up a bit. If I am not doing the whole thing I will at least do some. I live in Perth but born and raised in Albany. I am 55yo and my 24yo son and I like to do short bits if we can't do a longer hike and like what we call "track magic" (like the AT in theory). If we know your schedule a bit we will to try and intercept at more remote huts with a kilo or two of sausages or similar to provide some morale lift.

Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Partner for fast Bibbulmun Track hike

Postby alambo » Tue 16 Aug, 2011 1:46 pm

Gday all have me start date now being around the first weekend in october.

If anyone is travelling at that time let me know and ill keep an eye out for ya. looking for people to join me if their interested in trying to do it in about 15.5 days or do sections with me whilst i attempt the whole thing.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
Nothofagus cunninghamii
Posts: 7
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Region: Western Australia
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