Lobster Falls

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Lobster Falls

Postby chow » Tue 15 Feb, 2011 11:00 pm

Three of us decided to try out Lobster Falls last Thursday 10th Feb, this was to be my maiden walk not only the first in over 15 years but also the first in Tassie. It did rain overnight so the track was still damp and muddy in places when we set off at 11.00 am. I had down some serious homework on the track and felt it was achievable particularly have seen a previous report from a walker who had taken their young children with them.

The start of the track was seriously rutted and deep holes full of water would make even four-wheel drive access very difficult, so we park in a small clearing just off the road and walked in from there.

The first half of the track was easy going and we found the track markers easy to spot, some tree growth onto the path meant a few face slappings with branches. Just past the small section of boardwalk, the trail started to get a bit slippery and we found some sections of very narrow track and very soft underfoot which looked to have been eroded away by water.

Then the fun started, one part of the track had narrowed so much you have to swing under a tree holding tight. Then it became very steep and rugged with loose slippery rocks where you start descending , this is where I took my first tumble. Thanks to the walker in front of me, he was able to stop me going down the track like a bowling ball out of control.

Then we came to a fork left or straight ahead, we went left, bad mistake. This slope became very very slippery with lose rocks falling down every step we took. At this point, I took another tumble and came eyeball to eyeball with leeches. Ever rock had a leech sitting on it just waiting for me yuk yuk yuk. When we reached to bottom of this path, it was to find a 5ft drop straight down into water. So began the hard climb back up, (those leeches were still waving there heads around trying to find me) on reaching the top we find that the path straight ahead was the one we should have taken. Given all the makers on this track this would have been the place to have a marker directing you straight ahead thereby avoiding the wrong turn and bumps, bruisers and one cut arm.

I must say that despite the tumbles, leeches, slippery rocks, mud, cuts and bruisers I enjoyed the day, and look forward to more adventures
Recent walks, Lobster Falls, Rinadeena Falls, Bakers Beach and the Nob, Shadow Lake Circuit , Montezuma Falls, Holwell
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Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
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