Crawfords LO to...Wollemi creek

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Crawfords LO to...Wollemi creek

Postby Chunder fuzz » Tue 17 Apr, 2018 2:00 pm

Didn't quite get as far as I had planned. Left a bit late from home, underestimated how long it would take to drive from home to the start of the track fitness level isn't the same as others.

With a late start we headed to Hollow Rock to check it out, interesting formation, then kept on going. Initially started taking a track that went North, realised we were heading the wrong way so bush bashed over to where we should have been and eventually found a track that led back to the main trail to Crawford's Lookout. There were cairns everywhere, all over the place, in the general direction of the track - which was well formed until getting near the cliff line, where more cairns would guide you in the general direction.

We ended up at a LO that wasn't Crawford's but overlooked Wollemi Creek and our camp site, plus we got to see the descent from a good vantage point. Heading along the track we went to Crawford's and had a peek at the Colo and had a brief stop, then headed down the 'track' to Wollemi creek. More cairns with a well worn footpath led the way down, some steep sections at the start that required a little bit of scrambling but nothing to extreme, then it was mostly traversing the cliff face with the occasional steep downhill section until the Wollemi Creek was reached. At the bottom we decided that we'd camp here for the night, there was already a pile of dry wood and the camp site was flat, it was about 230pm and we weren't sure if we'd make our intended camp site before dark at the speed we'd be going, so had a relax here and explored instead.

I walked past a Death Adder which someone else spotted. I also found a cave with some old tarp and nylon rope, looks to have been used quite a bit and relatively recently. There was also another tarp tied up near the river bank where we came down. The area looked well used where we were and the track down was pretty obvious in most places. The river wasn't very high, barely got your shins wet where we came out. Other sections were a bit deeper and had it been warmer I might have gone for a swim. Somewhat luckily we had finished setting our tents up when a thunderstorm rolled in, it had been a clear day up until this point. We thought we were in for a few hours of sitting in a tent listening to the rain, luckily it only lasted about 30 minutes then clear skies returned. The wind remained though, it was howling up on the ridge where we had been but we were relatively sheltered. Occasionally a big gust would come through and blow everything around, at one point it was strong enough to pull out the sand pegs on my fly, so I awoke to a fly flapping in the wind and my tent partially collapsing...

It's a rather picturesque place and I intend to go back to do the full walk but I might go in reverse next time as I've seen the first section twice now :lol: .

Damn, forgot what Photobucket had done re third party links...
Chunder fuzz
Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: Crawfords LO to...Wollemi creek

Postby Chunder fuzz » Wed 18 Apr, 2018 7:01 pm

Crawford's LO

Overhang lookout

1 of the 100 or so cairns


Camp site

Poorly set up tent

Death adder
Chunder fuzz
Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: Crawfords LO to...Wollemi creek

Postby mandragara » Fri 20 Apr, 2018 3:45 pm

Nice report mate.

Based on what you've described, I think my brother and I might have seen you climbing down from the lookout? We were going to go down as well but decided to turn around because of the brewing storm. If it was you, I snapped a picture.

20180414_133315.jpg (242.99 KiB) Viewed 14135 times

I'm planning on doing a loop, down via Pass 6 and up via Crawfords, sometime. Nice area.
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Re: Crawfords LO to...Wollemi creek

Postby Chunder fuzz » Fri 20 Apr, 2018 4:28 pm

Cheers, wasn't us, was two other blokes that were about and hour behind us, rather friendly. They had to set up while it was raining/storming and camped just up the creek from us around a bend.

It's a nice area, I'm keen to explore some more, just have to get another weekend pass from the Admin at home.
Chunder fuzz
Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: Crawfords LO to...Wollemi creek

Postby tom_brennan » Sun 22 Apr, 2018 9:59 pm

A rugged and beautiful part of the world. Good to see it continues to get some interest.
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