Ironstone / Whiteleys Strollers Weekender

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Ironstone / Whiteleys Strollers Weekender

Postby Speculator » Wed 13 May, 2009 8:38 pm

Evening fawlty!

Thought I'd post a couple of photos from the BWT Strollers 1st Birthday walk. Waiting to see some of Strewths, cos mine are a bit boring:

Whiteleys hut as seen from space... well, from Mt. ironstone:


Strollers 1 - Ironstone 0:


The campsite, just in front of the hut:


Why The Strollers needs more members (we at least need enough to eat a whole cake):


Frosty stuff outside the tent:


A frosty bivy, complete with reluctant inhabitant:


The watery morning sun on Ironstone:


Some gaiters that we met on track. The person they were wearing said they were often photographed, here's proof:


And that's it, apart from a couple more here.

Last edited by Speculator on Sun 17 Apr, 2011 8:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Ironstone / Whiteleys Strollers Weekender

Postby dee_legg » Wed 13 May, 2009 9:34 pm

It's no wonder no one ate the cake... half the icing was gone eg the best bit!!!
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Re: Ironstone / Whiteleys Strollers Weekender

Postby Penguin » Wed 13 May, 2009 10:35 pm

Thanks for the shots L8tr. Musst remember a camera next time. I highligths what was a fun trip. Cake a great idea pommysi.

The bivy was not only frosty on the outside but a bit frosty on the inside. Slept very warm though, went to sleep at about 10.00pm, woke at 5.00am then it was 7.00am. The main problems with the bivy are condensation and organising yourself if it is raining. Having slept in it twice I woudl be happy to recommend it as an emergency shelter, or a place to sleep near a hut. As the normal overnight occommodation on a hike it is too limiting.

Till the next walk P
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Re: Ironstone / Whiteleys Strollers Weekender

Postby sthughes » Tue 19 May, 2009 5:55 pm

Looks good - nice and cold!

Cake a great idea pommysi.

Oi! That was my idea! Good to see Pomysi carried it though - take the chair too? :wink:
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