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Green Point Park

Green Point Park
Green Point Park

Also know as Laings Point, Green Point is a headland on the inside of South Head. The park (at the end of Pacific St) is inside the National Park and is on sloped ground. There is a toilet, great water views, an open grassy area, bench seats and a monument. The monument reminds visitors that Cove Beach (just below) was the first landing place for Governor Philip in 1788. The park is a pleasant place to rest and is sometimes hired for weddings. A cottage at the top can also be hired from NPWS to make a weekend of your adventures.
Also know as Laings Point, Green Point is a headland on the inside of South Head. The park (at the end of Pacific St) is inside the National Park and is on sloped ground. There is a toilet, great water views, an open grassy area, bench seats and a monument. The monument reminds visitors that Cove Beach (just below) was the first landing place for Governor Philip in 1788. The park is a pleasant place to rest and is sometimes hired for weddings. A cottage at the top can also be hired from NPWS to make a weekend of your adventures.