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Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Wed 20 Apr, 2011 11:40 am

As per the Tyvek discussion and has been done previously (archived discussion)...

A roll of Tyvek Homewrap is 2.7 metres wide and 30 metres long.
Members of the forum, including myself on a few occasions, have in the past purchased a roll of tyvek to onsell per metre to members of this forum pretty much at cost.

This topic is to outline the procedure for members wishing to take advantage of Tyvek by the metre.

The original purpose of supplying Tyvek pretty much at cost to members of this forum was simply that - for the benefit of forum members. It seems Google has got this website firmly entrenched when it comes to the word "Tyvek" and we have seen a number of new members come to this site simply to purchase Tyvek.
In the past, we have not minded. However, with the increase of new members seeking Tyvek, and the new restrictions on the ability of new members not being able to send PM's (as an effective and necessary anti-spam prevention), please note the following change.

For ease of communication and to ensure the supply of Tyvek is to members who need it for bushwalking purposes, it is suggested that future sales of Tyvek will be available to members of this forum who have met the minimum number of meaningful posts to this site to qualify, thus also streamlining the communication between supplier and purchaser.
It is not being sold to make a profit, it is being sold to benefit the bushwalking community on this forum.
Please feel free to join the forum and participate.
This change will be at the discretion of the person supplying the Tyvek at the time.

This means that if a member purchases a roll and wishes to recoup their costs quicker, it is up to them if they wish to onsell to new members as well, or only to members who have met the minimum number of constructive posts to qualify on this site to be a regular member and have communication and posting restrictions (necessary anti-spam measures) lifted.

It is suggested that members supplying Tyvek communicate with those interested in some by PM messaging. (And don't just message me, I am not selling it at the moment, please read through this topic.)

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Wed 20 Apr, 2011 11:42 am

If you are interested in purchasing some Tyvek, please post your request here. (Don't just PM me...)
If you are interested in purchasing a roll for distribution, please PM me and I will be happy to help.

I had to edit this to make it intrusive, it gets missed...

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Wed 20 Apr, 2011 1:08 pm

Thanks for clarifying that tasadam, hopefully this will clear up any confusion.

There are still a few metres of Tyvek available, if anyone would like some please let me know. However, I will be walking over Easter so will get back to you late next week.
I am planning to obtain another roll, as there are a few requests for big lengths.....again, it'll be back on after Easter
Cheers to all and have a happy easter, Cyn

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Wed 20 Apr, 2011 4:00 pm

For those that are interested in purchasing Tyvek, the important info (from the currently available Tyvek) -
$6.50 a metre, and $6.30 postage up to 2 metres, $10.70 postage for 3 or 4 metres, larger amounts contact fro shipping quote. Postage pricing from here.

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Wed 20 Apr, 2011 8:35 pm


I am after about 5 meters

I can collect if local.



Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Mon 02 May, 2011 1:30 am

Apropo of tyvek, i bought a car cover for a large 70's car - it cost $125 and was made of Tyvek. Theres a small label that says Tyvek by Dupont. It appears to be one large sheet with seams sewn in to form it over a large car. If someone needs tyvek that badly, go to a car parts place and have a look at a large car cover.

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Mon 02 May, 2011 9:07 am

but here this is say $73.40 for 8 meters (priced post as 2x11.70 off one of the previous posts..) new without having seams to leak or being a car shape..... but yeah for smaller footprints that could be a fast-fix option..

what type of Tyvec material is the car cover? I am only asking as there are different types of material called Tyvec made also by Dupont... does it look like cloth or a tent fly? or like a stiffer woven flat-plastic-fiber sheet/homewrap?

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Mon 02 May, 2011 11:42 am

It looks and feels like slightly thicker tent fly material.

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Mon 02 May, 2011 3:29 pm

its not the same type then..... these guys are using the homewrap type as groundsheets :wink:

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Tue 10 May, 2011 4:33 pm

I am looking to get some 'soft' 1443r Tyvek, such as is available from Quest Outfitters. This is different to the Home Wrap style - 1443r is a more fabric-like material and is also more breathable.

Lady McG - Do you have a better (cheaper :) ) source for this?

Is anyone else interested in getting some 1443r ?

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Tue 10 May, 2011 6:50 pm

I know the stuff you mean… but not where to source it. I haven’t really looked into it using the softer tyvek as a groundsheet, probably as the tougher stuff lets me pitch my tent on almost anything and be confident it’ll stay tough & waterproof etc.
I wonder if the 1443r Tyvek might be good for things like bivvy-bags, or a sack to slip your sleeping bag into on those really cold/damp nights. Or maybe even a multi-use item like a pack-liner/sleeping bag liner all in one. Possibilities are eldless!!
I’d be keen to test out the 1443r. if you find some locally (and cheaper )be sure to let me know. I'll do likewise
Cheers, Cyn

Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Tue 10 May, 2011 11:25 pm

In fact it's for a Bivy bag that I want it. I made one with the Home Wrap, but found it to be too noisy, stiff and prone to condensation.

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Tue 24 May, 2011 5:56 pm

I searched for the 1443r, but had no luck at all..

I know what you mean about Tyvek being noisy!! When it’s new, it’s unwieldy stuff, crackly, slippery and such.
When I made a groundsheet for my Microlight, I spent time scrunching and folding the sheet repeatedly (no ‘Scruncher or a Folder? jokes thanks!!) It does soften up, now it feels like cloth is quiet and soft to handle.
Does take a bit of handling though…

…I don’t know about the condensation issue; that’s a worry

I wonder what other creative things people have been making out of their Tyvek?
Anyone like to share?

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Tue 24 May, 2011 6:34 pm

I tried to buy a roll direct from dupont, they didnt even laugh at me... Couldnt even find an online source at the time, not so difficult now. Perhaps: ?
Lots of projects on the Backpackinglight website, from discussions (and especially if paying for postage from OS) there appear to be better material options than tyvek for most diy projects.

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Tue 24 May, 2011 7:53 pm

Here is a video that I made that may be of use here about 1443r Tyvek ... AsH3-76bww

For my ears 1443 is no worse then other popular materials in terms of being noisy.

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Tue 24 May, 2011 8:33 pm

1443R Tyvek looks the go where reasonable water resistance and some breathability are wanted.

I just ordered a few yards of 1443R Tyvek from Quest Outfitters in the US.

Will be using it to add a breathable top layer to my diy bivy, which I made using Tyvek HomeWrap, which in initial tests is waterproof but is not at all breathable.

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Fri 01 Jul, 2011 12:58 pm

I am after 2m of Tyvek (will this be enough for making a hubba hubba footprint?) Is any available?



Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Tue 05 Jul, 2011 8:46 am

Pm sent,

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Tue 05 Jul, 2011 8:52 am

Just a heads up, there is Tyvek available again if anyone would liike some

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Sun 10 Jul, 2011 11:39 am

Have just bought a 3x3m tarp and am after a few metres of tyvek as a groundsheet. Have decided my old macpac minaret is too heavy (about 2.8kg).

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Tue 02 Aug, 2011 5:12 pm

PM sent on the Tyvek Lady McGuyver :)

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Fri 12 Aug, 2011 9:09 pm

Hi all I would like 1 meter of Tyveck if it is still available. I was buying some gear in Perth yesterday for some walkind on the bibulmun track and found Sea to Summit tyvek ground sheets. They were seamed all round and in a stuff bag and it felt like the softer stuff you guys have been discussing. check it out here ... ummit.html If I can get some of the harder stuff from you guys I will cut a piece to go under my air mat.

Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Fri 12 Aug, 2011 11:10 pm

Would this make a good ground sheet for under a hammock? I wouldn't mind a piece large enough to put my backpack on. Will only need a small piece.

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Mon 15 Aug, 2011 12:36 pm

Could I have 2 mts for a ground sheet for tarp camping please, if there's some left....Julie

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Thu 18 Aug, 2011 3:25 pm

Hello, is there any Tyvek available for a groundsheet? 2m would be great, thanks. Ben.

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Thu 18 Aug, 2011 4:26 pm

Pm's sent to the recent members' requests
Cheers Cyn

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Fri 19 Aug, 2011 9:58 am

Looking for 3m of Tyvek if anyone has any left.
Thank you

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Fri 19 Aug, 2011 7:38 pm

I wouldn't mind another 2m if you still have some. Ta.

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Sun 21 Aug, 2011 8:02 pm

No worries. Pm sent

Re: Tyvek by the metre for bushwalkers

Mon 22 Aug, 2011 10:55 am

I'd love to have 2m if possible
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