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Spam as food

Wed 22 Jul, 2009 11:16 pm

Anyone tried Spam as breakfast food ? I have a can of "Spam with Real Bacon" that I intend to try this weekend has anyone else experienced this high sodium meat on any walks .

Re: Spam as food

Thu 23 Jul, 2009 10:08 am

I tried dicing up a tin of spam into a pasta'n'sauce carbonara, at the WOJ once.

The result, while it tasted OK, looked too much like the crud they were eating in The Matrix.

Re: Spam as food

Thu 23 Jul, 2009 10:11 am

I don't mind spam in slices 5-10mm thick and fried until crisp on the outside.

Re: Spam as food

Mon 27 Jul, 2009 5:02 pm

Is Spam food? :? :wink:

Re: Spam as food

Mon 27 Jul, 2009 5:32 pm

Is the can it comes in food then??? :D


Re: Spam as food

Mon 27 Jul, 2009 6:42 pm

Whilst not deciding to take the Spam on my walk I did try the fry up and it was ok !however I elected not to take it on the walk owing to energy expended "crisping it" and fat clean up (sorry the Spam was kind off yummy) good after a night on the demon fizz I suspect :lol:

Re: Spam as food

Tue 28 Jul, 2009 12:30 am

Is Spam food?

"It's people! Spam is made out of people!"

Mmmmm ... soylent green ...

Re: Spam as food

Tue 28 Jul, 2009 6:18 am

Spam, just another gourmet product waiting to be renamed!
Why not kippers for breakfast.....
Did you get the email warning about catching swine flu from tinned meat? ...... Apparently It was only spam....

(hmmm.... Whats the odds you heard that joke over the w/end (Corvus)?)

Re: Spam as food

Tue 28 Jul, 2009 6:37 pm

if you have the flu, The high salt content in spam means you will be cured in no time though


Re: Spam as food

Tue 28 Jul, 2009 8:32 pm

Good one :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Spam as food

Tue 28 Jul, 2009 8:46 pm


Re: Spam as food

Wed 29 Jul, 2009 10:34 am

I know, I know, but then thats aussie humor for you....

Re: Spam as food

Mon 14 Sep, 2009 8:39 am

Clownfish wrote:
Is Spam food?

"It's people! Spam is made out of people!"

Mmmmm ... soylent green ...

Great book - but the taste varies from person to person :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just came back from an 8 day riding holiday with wifey and the pet monkey on the tandem, wifey decided to try some SPAM as a bacon substitute for a fathers days brekky treat. I normally trial all food and utensils at home in a controlled environment free of variables, however in this instance I didn't get the chance. Well, wifey had an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients - possibly an antioxidant or preservative - she was green for a while until she ejected the lot, then was fine. We discussed what she had eaten and looked at her hydration, we bracketed the options fairly down to the SPAM.

Didn't quite cook up as well as I thought it would, but put it down to the lack of home trials before field consumption.

Reminded me of CHUM. Carved nicely :lol:

Re: Spam as food

Fri 18 Sep, 2009 9:28 am

I dont know whats wrong with you lot, my nan used to serve up spam sandwiches on a regular basis back in the motherland. Havent tried it as a breakfast foor or even cooked but rekon itll be alright. Maybe ill take some on the next strollers walk and have it sandwiched between mountain bread, beautiful!


Re: Spam as food

Fri 18 Sep, 2009 4:34 pm

pomysi wrote:I dont know whats wrong with you lot, my nan used to serve up spam sandwiches on a regular basis back in the motherland. Havent tried it as a breakfast foor or even cooked but rekon itll be alright. Maybe ill take some on the next strollers walk and have it sandwiched between mountain bread, beautiful!


You were lucky my Granny used to give us Dripping sandwiches probably just the same fat content without the added chemicals.
On our trip to Scout Lodge in Nov you bring the Spam and I will bring Chorizos and Black Pudding for a really healthy "fry up"
on the Saturday morning yum yum :lol:
P.S. they tell me it is a great hangover cure :shock:

Re: Spam as food

Fri 18 Sep, 2009 7:26 pm

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Last edited by Ent on Sat 13 Nov, 2010 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Spam as food

Fri 18 Sep, 2009 11:49 pm

All the talk of spam reminded me of this old Monty Python sketch I heard replayed on the radio last week... :lol:
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