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Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Sat 17 Oct, 2015 11:01 am
by JohnStrider
Hi guys,

Just wanting to get an idea on everyone's eating frequency while out on a multi-day hike?

Mine goes like this...

Snacks x 2
Snacks x 2


What about you?

Re: Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Sat 17 Oct, 2015 11:30 am
by whitefang
Mine depends on the walk I'm doing, but I always eat every 1.5 to 2 hours. Lately it has been: Snack, snack, breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. I have been doing it in this order for a few reasons. 1) I'm usually walking before the sun is up and don't like making breakfast in the dark, 2) it gets me out of camp more quickly, and 3) I like to have at least 16km walked by 10am and it gives me a good opportunity for a long breakfast break. Depending on the the distances I have to walk for the day I can sometimes take the afternoons a lot easier after my breakfast too.

Re: Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Sat 17 Oct, 2015 9:13 pm
by vicrev
whitefang wrote:Mine depends on the walk I'm doing, but I always eat every 1.5 to 2 hours. Lately it has been: Snack, snack, breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. I have been doing it in this order for a few reasons. 1) I'm usually walking before the sun is up and don't like making breakfast in the dark, 2) it gets me out of camp more quickly, and 3) I like to have at least 16km walked by 10am and it gives me a good opportunity for a long breakfast break. Depending on the the distances I have to walk for the day I can sometimes take the afternoons a lot easier after my breakfast too.
.........................I do much the me time to smell the roses or malt in the late arvo... :D

Re: Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Sun 18 Oct, 2015 3:47 am
by wayno
whatever works for you.
breakfast, then i eat snacks when i get tired hungry or my energy starts to drop, whichever happens first,
lunch, repeat random snacking
the longer or harder the day then more snacks.

Re: Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Sun 18 Oct, 2015 9:13 am
by taipan821
for me its usually breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and then dessert before bed. unless i'm in a hurry then its just snacks and meal bars instead of lunch

Re: Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Sun 18 Oct, 2015 9:28 am
by GBW
breakfast or a fruit/nut bar if in a hurry + hot choc
snack mid morning
lunch (unless its pouring rain then maybe a snack)
snack mid afternoon
dinner and maybe hot choc if it's cold

+ constant supply of unsalted nuts/choc/peanut m&ms

Re: Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Sun 18 Oct, 2015 11:06 am
by walkon
Simple, when hungry eat!

I'm bush so forget the washing and rinsing. Plenty of repeat though

Re: Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Sun 18 Oct, 2015 4:23 pm
by corvus
In addition to snacking I supplement my energy intake with Glucodin Tablets and on one occasion in an horrendous continual downpour on a solo walk that was all I ate in a 4 hour walk :lol:

Re: Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Mon 19 Oct, 2015 9:06 am
by Hermione
- Coffee, not a food I know but vital to all bushwalking endeavours except in dire conditions.
- Breakfast while packing up, usually porridge but a bar if in a hurry to get an early start.
- Snack every couple of hours during the day, no formal lunch. I don't get that hungry while walking and have to make a concerted effort to eat during the day.
- Cuppa soup or similar once in camp.
- Dinner, maybe dessert.

Re: Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Mon 19 Oct, 2015 5:15 pm
by north-north-west
Breakfast (not from hunger but because I know I'll regret it if I don't).
Chocolate (usually a Cadbury's Boost bar) to celebrate attaining a peak.
Dinner & hot soup (at camp) along with Glucosamine/Chondroitin tablets.
Interspersed with a little jerky from time to time and even occasionally some lollies or nuts or crackers.

I find I lose my appetite when walking. Food is mostly making myself eat through sheer commonsense and self-preservation.

Re: Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Mon 19 Oct, 2015 6:27 pm
by corvus
Jerky is easy to eat on the move especially home made I also like Scroggin also home made :)

Re: Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Tue 20 Oct, 2015 7:29 pm
by jobell
Coffee, a couple of muesili bars, snack, snack, later lunch, snack, hot drinks on stopping if cold, dinner. Like North North West I tend to lose interest in food when walking and have to apply discipline to make sure I do eat enough. I wonder how common that is? At home food is continually on my mind. Out bush I couldn't care less about food beyond having enough energy to get up that next hill.

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Re: Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Sat 21 Nov, 2015 12:41 pm
by Donna13Rik
I am still at planning, preparing and dreaming.
I like the sound of JohnStrider and WhiteFang's eating routines. When I do short walks I always start them early/very early mornings because that's when I am at my best. What would be a typical days 'menu' and what would a days food weigh?

Re: Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Sun 22 Nov, 2015 7:11 am
by Moondog55
More coffee
Sometimes porridge with black sugar and butter
Snacks and chocolate while on the move
Hot brew if cold and tired and a break is needed
More snacks and chocolate
If I've done my planning and preparation properly my snacks are nutritionally complete and tasty enough to eat as a full ration but not so sweet as to be overwhelming and dinners are as simple to prepare as possible
If it's cold a high fat snack like a Mars bar before bed

Re: Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Tue 01 Dec, 2015 12:51 pm
by paul_gee
Hunger doesn't usually hit me until the end of a day on a big hike. But I ensure I have something to eat every proper rest break. A proper rest break in my book is when I take my backpack off - of course excluding those times where you have to take it off for some unplanned reason, e.g. harness adjustment.

A standard day for me looks like this:

Breakfast - Oats or muesli
Break 1 - Handful of mixed nuts, chocolate, lollies
Lunch - Tortilla bread with peanut butter or salami and cheese and a handful of the nut mix
Break 2 - Whittaker's dark chocolate peanut slab
Dinner - Start with a cup of soup. Then Back Country Cuisine / pasta or rice meal
Dessert - More chocolate and tea / wine / port

Re: Eating frequency while on a multi-day hike

PostPosted: Tue 01 Dec, 2015 5:01 pm
by kitty
Donna13Rik wrote:What would be a typical days 'menu' and what would a days food weigh?

They say 700g-1kg per day.

For me....
Breakfast - Carmens quick oats with powdered milk'
Lunch - wrap + smoked salmon (day 1 only) or sachet tuna + dehydrated cucumber/zucchini + mayo or dehydrated hummus
Snack options - crackers and laughing cow cheese (the pantry pack version), hard cheese, salami, jerky, scroggin
Dinner - homemade dehydrated meal + dehydrated veggies + deb or couscous
Dessert - the list of options is long
Drinks - teas, cocoa, red wine