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Rescued Dog Climbs to Everest Base Camp

PostPosted: Thu 14 Nov, 2013 11:13 am
by Overlandman
From ABC News ... st/5091212

Former professional golfer Joanne Lefson says she adopted the 11-month-old dog, called Rupee, in the mountainous Indian town of Leh last September, and decided to take him on a trip to base camp at 5,364 metres.

The pair began "Expedition Mutt Everest 2013" in the Himalayan town of Lukla on October 14, intending to raise awareness about the plight of homeless dogs and promote pet adoption.

They accomplished their record-making feat 13 days later, describing it as "one giant leap for dog-kind" on Facebook.

"I am so proud of Rupee," Ms Lefson said.

"I thought I might have to carry him on some days, but instead, he took the lead and pulled me along.

"I hope his accomplishment will compel people to be kinder to animals, especially strays - we need to realise that every life matters."

Rupee and his owner trekked across rickety bridges and wet mountain paths, dodging landslides along the way.

Despite missing part of his right ear and being close to death only a few weeks ago, Rupee had no trouble adjusting to the altitude and relished his first taste of snow.

"He loved the snow, he ate it, he played in it. If I had let him, he would have slept in it too," Ms Lefson said.

Photographs on the Facebook site show the puppy enjoying the sights and sounds of Nepal, cuddling with bearded Hindu monks in Kathmandu and playing with children in the Himalayan town of Namche Bazaar.

The pair are now in Ms Lefson's native South Africa, where Rupee is catching up on his sleep.

Ms Lefson is preparing to launch a book next week devoted to her former dog Oscar who accompanied her around the world.

Re: Rescued Dog Climbs to Everest Base Camp

PostPosted: Thu 14 Nov, 2013 11:33 am
by Onestepmore
Great story.
There are some well run charities to help these dogs. In this area dogs are not usually private pets as such, but are communally owned.
Vets Beyond Borders have an education centre and veterinary base in Ladkh in Northern India. They have volunteer vets and nurses and other helpers visit from all over the world. They run travelling desexing programmes, parasite control, vaccinations, general care and especially a large focus on rabies control.
Good on her for increasing awareness for these street dogs!

Re: Rescued Dog Climbs to Everest Base Camp

PostPosted: Thu 14 Nov, 2013 12:12 pm
by wayno
well considering the amount of clothes and heavy footwear people have to wear to stave off frostbite, how did they manage it with a dog without it suffering? havent seen any photos or footage of it high on the mountain...

Re: Rescued Dog Climbs to Everest Base Camp

PostPosted: Thu 14 Nov, 2013 12:21 pm
by frenchy_84
Was only base camp Wayno.

Re: Rescued Dog Climbs to Everest Base Camp

PostPosted: Thu 14 Nov, 2013 12:23 pm
by wayno
ok saw a tv article that made it sound like everest itself... the lady was going on and on about it,,,
thers a dog thats been to camp 2 in 2008, alan arnette made the comment on his website... so dont know what the fuss is about with base camp

Re: Rescued Dog Climbs to Everest Base Camp

PostPosted: Fri 15 Nov, 2013 8:12 pm
by Nick S
There was a dog at the base camp flag when Pete and I were there.. It looked totally knackered and was lying on it's side like it had just run 10km.
Kinda what we all felt like doing really.