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NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
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Gundungura Map (and general map printing)

Wed 06 Jan, 2021 10:59 am

Hoping some of the map/GIS fans may be able to help out. Or even better someone who has taken these steps before me.

My understanding is the Gundungura Map is now out of print and I am keen to print a version for myself.

I was planning to print via Officeworks on Tyvek at A0. Given the map itself has appears to have a default size of 71.5 x 90 cm ish (based on the JPG for 3rd edition on Dave Nobles site) I was planning on printing at A0 to scale and then trimming the excess.

I have two queries - I note there is also a 4th, metric edition of the map - is there a location online that a hi-res scan can be downloaded? I note that ribuck mentioned this in the following thread: ... 36&t=26775 but i haven't been able to find a scan anywhere.

Also I note that the file on Dave's website is a JPEG as opposed to the original PDF - am I likely to run into resolution of legibility issues? I note that at full size the JPEG is very clear on my screens however I am unfamiliar with printing to Tyvek and wonder if the original PDF provides any benefits? I am somewhat out of my depth with knowledge here.

Thanks. I am avidly browsing through the various threads about QGIS and DIY mapping and am sure to have questions about that soon enough.

Re: Gundungura Map (and general map printing)

Wed 06 Jan, 2021 11:05 am

Not all Tyvek printing is equal. My experience of using Officeworks for map printing was not great. They seem to print the entire surface -- including white space -- but the 'ink' then scratches / peels off where there are creases. I'd look into one of the specialist map / plan printing places -- perhaps where orienteering clubs go -- and use them instead. Just my two cents.

Re: Gundungura Map (and general map printing)

Thu 07 Jan, 2021 11:53 am

Thanks for the good advice. I have ditched the Tyvek idea and am now looking at Pretex which is what is generally used for orienteering apparently. Contacted a few service providers.
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