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Victoria specific bushwalking discussion.

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Victoria specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
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Gariwerd explores

Thu 09 Mar, 2023 7:58 am


Keen to do explore more of the Grampians this year, while dispersed camping is still tolerated, and I'm seeking suggestions for off the beaten path ideas/routes. Experienced bushwalker and rogainer, comfortable with scrambling, and I've walked nearly all of the area where tracks exist (apart from the southern section of the GPT).

I have some ideas of my own, but the point is to go places that are lesser known but worthwhile, rather than getting stuck scrub bashing. Mostly interested in overnighters and circuits due to time constraints, but keen to hear about anything else good!
Thinking locals may have some good recommendations? Direct messages welcome.

thanks in advance :)

Re: Gariwerd explores

Fri 10 Mar, 2023 1:03 pm

I'll chime in, although wont be much help! I've really only done tracks, and mostly northern end. With majority of foot traffic now being on the GPT some of the 'older' tracks are showing signs of becoming overgrown. The few short off-track areas I have covered have involved scrub bashing. Much of Grampians burnt out a few years back and from my experience, the regrowth I have encountered has been very thick, lots of wattle etc. Interested in what other comments emerge. I guess some time invested poring over maps, perhaps linking some known areas/tracks with topography that looks manageable (but without trail/s) would provide a safe exit strategy.
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