Mt Cougal/Springbrook

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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby tas-man » Sat 12 Aug, 2017 6:26 pm

For those of you on Facebook, this is a link to a spectacular video of Mt Cougal and Boyd's Butte taken from a Phantom drone. ... 7930583119

Screen Shot 2017-08-12 at 6.24.38 pm.png
Last edited by tas-man on Tue 15 Aug, 2017 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby djtidau » Tue 15 Aug, 2017 11:40 am

Hey guys, I realise that this is an old thread but just wanted to thank everyone for the wealth of information and history about this location. I've hiked much of modern trails of the gold coast / northern nsw and am starting to now look at the less known ones. I'm new to this community but am loving what I see here, you're all good people.

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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby dis » Tue 15 Aug, 2017 12:30 pm

tas-man, thanks for posting that link, its a great video.

Having just hiked up the Cougals, then traversing to Boyds Butte and dropping down into Currumbin just a few weeks ago it is great to see an Ariel view of the location. Fair amount of lawyer vine between the Cougals and Boyds though but not too difficult to find a way.
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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby tas-man » Mon 19 Mar, 2018 11:34 pm

Just a thread bump to let people know that the Cream Track website - - has now got a lot more information about the history and development of the track to ensure that it remains accessible and clearly defined, and so avoiding unintended trespass on private property.

This video gives some history of the creation and use of the track over several generations -
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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby Aardvark » Sun 08 Apr, 2018 10:33 am

You can scramble easily enough from East to West Cougal but the only way around to the base of the cliffs on the West Cougal in order to travel on the watershed over to Springbrook, is to descend around East Cougal just before the summit climb and stay around the same altitude all the way around East and West Cougal to the ridgeline.
It used to have the odd bit of tape. We, on one occasion continued at about the 700m contour all the way to Numinbah Gap, above Crystal Ck. Not recommended for many. It was that occasion which cemented the route over Springbrook as the preferred extension of any 'entire scenic rim' walk we've done.
I once ascended to the ridgeline between West Cougal and Springbrook from one of the tributaries of Tallebudgera Ck after descending the Cream track. There was a cut track angling all the way up. I've no doubt it crossed private land though. There is a cliff break some distance along the south side of the plateau above. It is slippery and most often wet. I remember tape on that too.. No doubt known to some of the Gold Coast Bushwalkers. It made for a nice daywalk circuit from the top off Springbrook.
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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby tas-man » Sun 13 Jun, 2021 5:01 pm

This information possibly affecting the Springbrook end of the Cream Track was posted in the Bushwalkers and Hikers in SE Qld Facebook page.

“For regular users of the Cream Track at the back of Tallebudgera Valley which takes you through to Springbrook, I received an email from Gold Coast City Council stating the private property at the top of the track in Springbrook is currently for sale. Future use of the complete track will depend on the new owners giving permission for use. Stay tuned.”
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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby ofuros » Sun 13 Jun, 2021 6:01 pm

Thanks for the heads up, tas-man.
Mountain views are good for my soul...& getting to them is good for my waistline !
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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby Lyrebird » Sun 13 Jun, 2021 9:23 pm

I received a message from the Cream Track website administrator; some of you may have also received it.
Dear [Lyrebird]
I am writing to let you know that Serenity Farm at Springbrook Mountain (upon which part of The Cream Track transits) which previously issued you a permit to walk - is being sold at auction this month.
This means that the right to access the private property portions of the track will shortly cease.
Any decision to continue a system which would allow walkers access to the private property sections of the track in future will rest solely with the purchaser / new owner.
City of Gold Coast maintain and control the Tallebudgera end of the track up to the tiny creek crossing near the North East boundary of the farm. They may decide to re-route the track from that point up if there is a discontinuance of legal access, but that is something that may require some lobbying to achieve - so I would urge you keep an eye on the website for any developments in that regard.
This is one of few notices ever sent to permit applicants, but we thought it was important to let you know and hope you don't mind the intrusion.

It appears to have been sent to a large number of people on a mailing list so I assume there's no issue with republishing it here.

Here's the real estate listing, for any of you with suitably deep pockets :mrgreen: . They're selling the adjoining block 2960 as well. ... -203014942
Hopefully the GCCC will strike a similar agreement with the new owners. For those of you who are also GCCC ratepayers (or regular visitors), I'm thinking it may be worth an email to the Council, just to let them know there's some interest.
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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby tas-man » Tue 15 Jun, 2021 8:41 pm

This is the link to the sales promo video with some great drone footage of the block. It really should be added to the National Park.
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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby AsystasiaAlba » Wed 02 Feb, 2022 2:01 pm

Hi, just wondering if anyone has heard whether the access issues have been resolved yet seeing as the property was sold mid last year?
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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby tas-man » Sun 14 Aug, 2022 1:19 am

Here are some great drone photos looking over the recently sold property at the top of the Cream Track, from the L J Hooker sales page.






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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby tas-man » Mon 18 Sep, 2023 2:43 pm

Bumping this old topic with an update to the Cream Track website that has now been archived since the sale of the Springbrook property. Lots of history and detailed information about the surveyed public access route with GPX files available. If anyone local has current information to add please feel free to comment
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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby jdnielsen » Tue 09 Jan, 2024 9:45 pm

Aardvark wrote:You can scramble easily enough from East to West Cougal but the only way around to the base of the cliffs on the West Cougal in order to travel on the watershed over to Springbrook, is to descend around East Cougal just before the summit climb and stay around the same altitude all the way around East and West Cougal to the ridgeline.
It used to have the odd bit of tape. We, on one occasion continued at about the 700m contour all the way to Numinbah Gap, above Crystal Ck. Not recommended for many. It was that occasion which cemented the route over Springbrook as the preferred extension of any 'entire scenic rim' walk we've done.
I once ascended to the ridgeline between West Cougal and Springbrook from one of the tributaries of Tallebudgera Ck after descending the Cream track. There was a cut track angling all the way up. I've no doubt it crossed private land though. There is a cliff break some distance along the south side of the plateau above. It is slippery and most often wet. I remember tape on that too.. No doubt known to some of the Gold Coast Bushwalkers. It made for a nice daywalk circuit from the top off Springbrook.

Hi Aardvark, I read your account here with interest... I'd love to pick your brains about your forays further west towards Springbrook from West Cougal peak. If you see this message I would be very grateful for a private message.
Thanks, Jason
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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby Ain » Sat 03 Feb, 2024 8:52 am

jdnielsen wrote:Hi Aardvark, I read your account here with interest... I'd love to pick your brains about your forays further west towards Springbrook from West Cougal peak. If you see this message I would be very grateful for a private message.
Thanks, Jason

Likewise! Please share what it's like west of the Cougals and save me a trip out there :)
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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby Aardvark » Mon 05 Feb, 2024 9:54 am

Ain wrote:
jdnielsen wrote:Hi Aardvark, I read your account here with interest... I'd love to pick your brains about your forays further west towards Springbrook from West Cougal peak. If you see this message I would be very grateful for a private message.
Thanks, Jason

Likewise! Please share what it's like west of the Cougals and save me a trip out there :)

Are you not a bushwalker? Why would you be satisfied with a description of some sort in order to save the effort of going there yourself?
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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby Ain » Mon 26 Feb, 2024 1:16 pm

Aardvark wrote:Are you not a bushwalker? Why would you be satisfied with a description of some sort in order to save the effort of going there yourself?

I have limited time to get out due to work, so I'm looking for a report on what it's like/if it's worth going. I'll probably make the trip out to west of the Cougals eventually as part of scouting a route for a Scenic Rim Traverse (now that The Cream Track is closed). If I was told it was an interesting spot to explore, I'd prioritise a trip there sooner, and that's why I asked.

On a related note, I ascended the opposite side of Springbrook via Mt Tenduragan, for similar reasons to a trip west of the Cougals, and found it was full of wait-o-while. The worst of the vines could be avoided by not doing a detour to Tenduragan's summit. It was not as steep or slippery as previously described by some, and was pink taped most of the way. There were some good views and interesting shale-like geological formations on the Tenduragan-Mumdjin saddle and some nice, but small, caves at the botton of the Western Cliffs of Springbrook proper.

Shale-like rocks between Mt Tenduragan and Mt Mumdjin

Views towards Burrigan Point and Mt Mumdjin

One of several small caves underneath Springbrook West Cliffs
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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby Aardvark » Mon 26 Feb, 2024 2:08 pm

On every Scenic Rim traverse we have done , we have taken a route similar to what you describe from Numinbah gap to Best of All lookout. Even the fourth and last time in 2018 we got permission to go down the Cream Track. And what's more we had missed any news of its closure (and change of land ownership) right up to the point of arriving at the gate. A chap turned up and gave us passage when we explained ourselves.
Our attempts to find an another option along the base of Springbrook cliffs, long before 2018 resulted in putting it in the too hard basket. Of course you can do it and we did. It's just not that much fun. It's *&%$#! hard work and problematic.
If you definitely cannot negotiate access to the Cream track then you might as well try it. It's more direct than taking the so called Great Walk route near Nixon Creek and the prison at Numinbah. I might suggest though that you investigate a route lower in altitude and closer to farmland in NSW. That's lower than 600m alt. and across Cloudy Ck and Quambatook Ck. You won't find yourself crossing steep scree slopes and maybe less wait a while and gympie. I might even do that too one day. I'm still rehabilitating from a ruptured Quad tendon.
Good luck with the Scenic Rim effort. Thank god so few do that. We don't want that as a highway.
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Re: Mt Cougal/Springbrook

Postby mike53 » Sat 13 Jul, 2024 8:44 pm

tas-man wrote:Bumping this old topic with an update to the Cream Track website that has now been archived since the sale of the Springbrook property. Lots of history and detailed information about the surveyed public access route with GPX files available. If anyone local has current information to add please feel free to comment

Hi Tas-Man,

I noticed from your earlier posts that you have the 1971 Springbrook National Parks map. Is there any chance you could scan the portion of the map that coincides with Sphinx Lookout? I don't actually know for whether Sphinx Lookout appears on the 1971 map, but, if it does, then it would be located on the NSW-QLD border to the west of the "Best of All Lookout", which is west of Mumdjin.

I understand Spinx Lookout is now overgrown, which is probably why it no longer features on modern topographic maps etc. It does appear on the NSW Government's SixMaps online viewer, but the label is too vague to be of any use. Just trying to match up the actual location with my contemporary topographic map. Sometimes old maps are an invaluable resource!

Thank you for any assistance.
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