SA, WA & NT specific bushwalking discussion.

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SA, WA & NT specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
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Mount Zeil

Sun 31 May, 2015 7:27 pm

Howdy. I am new to the site and was hoping for some assistance from like minded people. As an introduction, in 2013 we hooked an off-road van and Prado up and travelled for 6 months, Adelaide, Darwin, across the top to Cairns, Cape York, down the coast to the bottom and back to Adelaide. Our kids (3 and 4 at the time) followed in the footsteps of their parents and accomplished Kings Canyon, Mount Cook, Mount Kosciousko, the big Grampians walks etc. They have also wizzed up St Mary's Peak in the Flinders without too much of a concern. This was when our (my!!!) dream to take the kids up the 8 State Peaks was born.....

In late June we are heading to the red centre. Mount Woodroffe will be knocked off without too much concern (I have been up before - they will have no dramas). From there it is Ayres Rock, Kings Canyon (again), Mount Sonder and then Mount Zeil.

My query relates to Mount Zeil. I read some posts from a couple years back but couldnt find anyone who has climbed it recently. I appreciate there will be those who say "too young, too dangerous, too much spinifex etc". In response I will say this "what the mind can see and believe - the body can achieve".

I would greatly appreciate any information/advice from people who have climbed it (more particularly recently) about access, routes, GPS coords, maps, permission etc etc.

I am more than happy to provide my phone/email for people who would rather correspond directly....

thanks in anticipation.


Re: Mount Zeil

Thu 10 Sep, 2015 2:38 am

This may be too late for you.
For what it is worth, I did it in 2012 July.
Refer to my blog ... ralia.html
I've been around there recently (2015 July), and can vouch that the details in the blog are still up-to-date.
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