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Heli Walk-Piccaninny Gorge!

PostPosted: Thu 05 Oct, 2017 3:00 pm
by bigkev
I was just perusing the latest copy of Great Walks magazine over lunch. Sipping my coffee I almost spat it all over the waitress, and no the coffee wasn't that bad. No, what I got so annoyed about was that the WA Parks people are allowing a private company to fly day walkers into Piccaninny Gorge up at Purnululu National Park. This walk was a spot that you could avoid the crowds and head into the heart of the range for 3 or 4 days, and normally you would only be sharing with the local wildlife or maybe a couple of dedicated walkers who had put the effort in to get there, according to the article the company is now flying day tourists to within easy reach of 'The Fingers' which use to be a days walk in and out from the trail head.

Now I've heard of creeping commercialisation of our national parks (South Coast Track and Falls Creek to Mt Hotham spring to mind), but this seems to cut the 'walking' bit out all together! No need for huts and infrastructure if you just fly everybody in....for *&^%$# sake.

Anyway, I'm sorry if this is a little too political for the forum but if this article is accurate then this is disappointing development as far as I'm concerned. :x

Re: Heli Walk-Piccaninny Gorge!

PostPosted: Mon 09 Oct, 2017 5:56 pm
by north-north-west

Re: Heli Walk-Piccaninny Gorge!

PostPosted: Tue 31 Oct, 2017 12:50 pm
by taswegian
What a beautiful looking place. Different to what we're used to down here.

A sad sign of the times when "progress" is pushed upon us in this form.
We live in a world of inclusiveness, where uniqueness isn't valued and 'everyone' has a right to do this or that.

I can relate to your dilemma, concern, and here in Tasmania, The Walls (of Jerusalem) has been transformed over the many years I'd visited that beautiful area.
(Obviously some, a lot of, the work done there is beneficial)
What lies ahead is anyone's guess.

To me it's 'gate crashing' on someone else's party.
A party that more people want a slice off probably from being too unfit to walk the distance, plain lazy, or have complete disdain for others and the qualities these precious places exude. Not forgetting some would love to go but are unable for medical or other bodily problems)

Not sure how you overcome such as many decisions regarding these matters are made by transients, passing through the landscape of time wanting to please an audience foreign to the nature and characteristics of the landscapes they thrust their tentacles over.

Re: Heli Walk-Piccaninny Gorge!

PostPosted: Tue 09 Jan, 2018 7:28 am
by tom_brennan
Interesting discussion. I've been in several parties that have used helicopters (and planes) to access various parts of the Kimberley over the years for bushwalking purposes. So I'm not anti the concept.

But I do think that the location is important. Not sure that it's appropriate somewhere like Picaninny Gorge, which has straighforward access by foot.

Re: Heli Walk-Piccaninny Gorge!

PostPosted: Tue 09 Jan, 2018 5:06 pm
by bigkev
Hi Tom,

I think your right regarding location, flying into a remote area is one thing (I've always wanted to fly into Purnululu in the wet season and then walk into the gorge) but flying in just to avoid a couple of days walking when it's a reasonably well known route is overdoing it (I think).

You're right though, it is a bit of a grey area.
