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Mount Beecroft

Thu 29 Aug, 2019 3:48 pm


I just completed a Mount Beecroft trip on 26/08/2019. Hardly any snow at all, just a few patches near the summit. I carried my snowshoes and was very disappointed. Lots of water on the track and some mud but not too bad. I managed to get in and out in 3.5 hours. The poles now go all the way to the summit, there is a "PCT" marker at the obvious intersection before the main trail drops down to the river. The walk up the narrow spur is great as you an see into the deep gully to the south. It makes you feel very small. Its quite steep and slippery near the final ascent. I can't speak to any other views as I was in a grey bubble the whole way. :)

Re: Mount Beecroft

Sun 08 Sep, 2019 2:16 pm

Sounds fun, but definitely cooler in the snow I bet
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