Mt Anne Day Walk 20/03/12

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Mt Anne Day Walk 20/03/12

Postby dee_legg » Tue 20 Mar, 2012 8:18 pm

A very quick and boring trip report about a walk to Mt Anne today.

Started walking at 9:15am, was at the hut 1h15m later and on top of Mt Eliza another 30mins after that. Across the plateaus with no worries other than the gusts of wind (Mt Wellington recorded max gust of 80k/h!), we made it to the summit block at around noon. The summit block provided shelter from the wind for the final ascent (I found the very first climb onto the ledge much more challenging and scary than the sidling or the short steep section further up) and we were on top just under 4 hours after leaving the car.
Lunch was enjoyed under a boulder on the way back down then we hurried along the plateau with the wind at our backs! The sky was building above us and the wind was getting stronger as we headed down, making it back to the car 7h45m after setting off. A very good day in the south west!


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Re: Mt Anne Day Walk 20/03/12

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Tue 20 Mar, 2012 8:26 pm

At the hut in 1hr 15mins...... wowzers, Remind me never to walk with you Dee... 8)

Then Anne as a daywalk in under 8 hrs. Thats a VERY fast time!!!
Nothing to see here.
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Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Mt Anne Day Walk 20/03/12

Postby tassiehiker » Mon 26 Mar, 2012 6:21 pm

i rate mt anne/eliza one off the best short walks on the south west its an awsome view from the top
mt eliza
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