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Brooks Range, Alaska

Wed 13 Aug, 2014 12:35 pm


A rough account of a two week packrafting trip in the Brooks Range, Alaska; approximately half paddling and half bushwalking:

I posted this first in the Tasmanian forum because it's generally the only one I read; then I realised it might be of some interest to users of this International Trips forum. My apologies to those who've read it already in the Tassie forum.


Re: Brooks Range, Alaska

Sat 27 Aug, 2016 8:33 am

Absolutely wonderful jmac ! Read all three blog posts - pics are great and I love your writing style and how you describe everything accurately, with its proper name, especially the Bears. Very inspiring. Thank you :)

Re: Brooks Range, Alaska

Wed 13 Sep, 2017 10:43 am

An update to this post here:


Moderators please forgive the double post; feel free to combine or delete as per your preferred posting standards.

Thanks, John
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