Trip reports, stories, track notes. Multiple/large photos are OK in this forum.

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Posting large/multiple images in this forum is OK. Please start topic titles with the name of the location or track.

For topics focussed on photos rather than the trip, please consider posting in the 'Gallery' forum instead.

This forum is for posting information about trips you have done, not for requesting information about a track or area.
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Empress Canyon

Mon 09 Sep, 2013 10:04 pm

Had a nice trip through Empress on the weekend. More words and a few pics on the Blog



Re: Empress Canyon

Mon 16 Sep, 2013 10:09 am

Mate that possum shot is what I call up close and personal. How did you get that?


Re: Empress Canyon

Mon 16 Sep, 2013 3:25 pm

The poor little fella was probably dazzled by the light. He seemed pretty relaxed and allowed me to get very close. Close enough that I had to use macro on the camera!
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