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Re: Things I have learnt.

Tue 06 Apr, 2010 7:37 pm

ollster wrote:Another one we discovered on a recent trip "just because the 20m contours look consistently spaced on the map doesn't mean there isn't a 15m high cliffline halfway down the ridge".

As a variation on that:
Just because the map shows the creek descending steadily doesn't mean there isn't a 20m high waterfall there for you to try to get around.

Re: Things I have learnt.

Tue 06 Apr, 2010 7:39 pm

Never have the longest/hardest leg of a walk on the last day.
Whenever sitting down, make sure you don't sit on something that bites.

And I should have learned this one a long time ago: It isn't worth buying decent sunnies for walking.

Re: Things I have learnt.

Tue 06 Apr, 2010 8:11 pm

Julafreak wrote:Quoting Joe:
"Wombats are furry, soft, cuddly creatures. Go ahead, stick your hand into the burrow."

Tell this guy that...

Do not say "This doesn't look familiar".

Re: Things I have learnt.

Tue 06 Apr, 2010 8:21 pm

north-north-west wrote:
And I should have learned this one a long time ago: It isn't worth buying decent sunnies for walking.

2nd that! I just killed my 2nd pair this year.
I always just think ï'll find somewhere to keep them when im not wearing them"

Re: Things I have learnt.

Wed 07 Apr, 2010 12:46 am

Mark,it would be really nice if you didn't have your points and recent peaks at the bottom of your posts, it just makes me really jealous :mrgreen:! As much about how much you're getting out there bushwalking as the peaks you are doing - at least with some of them (like Gell) I can say " Been there, done that!"

Re: Things I have learnt.

Wed 07 Apr, 2010 6:43 am

Lol, Sorry Rachel. I see your doing the same now though, and making me just as jealous!! Plaiedes and Pokana indeed!!!
Gell was a good one!

I am paying for all my recent walking at the moment though, a tick bite floored me 2 weeks ago, was on antibiotics for a week, first day on Mt Gell I got a leech bite that I had a really bad reaction too (someone may even post a photo???)
Now I have a very bad back! Suffered with it on the last day but took 4 strong painkillers and walked out regardless, last 2 days i've been hobbling around the house bunched over like a hunchback :(

Re: Things I have learnt.

Wed 07 Apr, 2010 9:56 am

I decided to put that on after I posted my complaint - if you can't beat them, join them! I have to admit that The Pleiades points are a bit dodgy - we went up a peak that might have been the highest (it was certainly the highest we could see, actually the only one we could see), and one of my friends who has over 600 points said that we had the points so that's good enough for me. We did walk along the whole range, what more do you need?
Sorry to hear about your injuries, nice to know that you're not invincible though.

Re: Things I have learnt.

Wed 07 Apr, 2010 11:27 am

Taurë-rana wrote:Sorry to hear about your injuries, nice to know that you're not invincible though.

Far from it sadly......

Anyone with over 600points should know what they are talking about!! Well done!!

Re: Things I have learnt.

Wed 07 Apr, 2010 11:36 am

ILUVSWTAS wrote:a tick bite floored me 2 weeks ago, was on antibiotics for a week

Ticks in Tassie? What sort and where?

Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but that's the first I've heard. I know they are common up north though, those paralysis ticks are bad news...

Re: Things I have learnt.

Wed 07 Apr, 2010 11:38 am

There are ticks here, not paralysis ticks though. I think the main danger from them is infection.

Re: Things I have learnt.

Wed 07 Apr, 2010 11:50 am

Yeh lots of ticks in Tassie! My attention was just bought to an article in the paper recently about peoples pet dogs being killed by Tick bites.
The doctor I saw said it's not uncommon for people to get very sick from Tick bites here and I had to have 2 follow up appointments in the one week just to be monitored.
Mine just swelled up bigtime and was very red and itchy. They put me on antibiotics for a week and told me to rest. So I stupidly rested for 6 days then went walking........

Re: Things I have learnt.

Wed 07 Apr, 2010 6:15 pm

north-north-west wrote:*sigh*
And I should have learned this one a long time ago: It isn't worth buying decent sunnies for walking.

2nd that! I just killed my 2nd pair this year.
I always just think ï'll find somewhere to keep them when im not wearing them"

Me too. And this pair were only two weeks old.
I did find somewhere I thought was safe. That pocket is large and I buttoned it up and all. And it's not like the scrub on the way up The Pilot is all that thick and catchy. And Geez I needed them on Monday . . . :roll:

Sorry to hear about the injuries and illnesses. Now, maybe you'll GET SOME PROPER REST and learn to take care of yourself!

Re: Things I have learnt.

Wed 07 Apr, 2010 9:36 pm

ILUVSWTAS wrote:Yeh lots of ticks in Tassie! My attention was just bought to an article in the paper recently about peoples pet dogs being killed by Tick bites.
The doctor I saw said it's not uncommon for people to get very sick from Tick bites here and I had to have 2 follow up appointments in the one week just to be monitored.
Mine just swelled up bigtime and was very red and itchy. They put me on antibiotics for a week and told me to rest. So I stupidly rested for 6 days then went walking........

Hmm. I know that overseas, Lymes disease is a big risk from ticks. Not sure about local. How did you remove it? (did you remove it?) In any case, I've heard they emit a toxin that gradually makes the victim sicker the longer the tick is attached. Paralysis tick is the same, only more extreme.

Re: Things I have learnt.

Thu 08 Apr, 2010 9:24 am

When debating whether to go for a walk, trust neither the weather forecast, nor the pouring rain outside the window the day before you are supposed to go.

Re: Things I have learnt.

Thu 08 Apr, 2010 11:22 am

"Not far now" is invariably a lie.

Re: Things I have learnt.

Thu 08 Apr, 2010 9:29 pm

Things I will ask ,like leeches are Ticks deterred with Deet ??

Re: Things I have learnt.

Sat 10 Apr, 2010 7:22 am

Yup they found a paralysis tick here! Big bummer!!!!
I removed mine some 2-3 hrs after it was in, thats why i got very sick I think. My wife removed it with some tweezers.

Re: Things I have learnt.

Sat 10 Apr, 2010 7:49 am

ILUVSWTAS wrote:Yup they found a paralysis tick here! Big bummer!!!!
I removed mine some 2-3 hrs after it was in, thats why i got very sick I think. My wife removed it with some tweezers.

From what I have read, 2-3 hours would not be enough time for tick toxin to build up, it takes days. What is more likely is that part of the tick was left in your skin, or that it's stomach contents were injected into your skin during removal. I guess you might have also picked up a bad tick that was carrying something nasty. If you look at the tick removal tools they concentrate on not grabbing the tick by its body but by the head area next to your skin. Some suggest removing with a twisting motion to defeat the barbs on the embedded mouth parts. (yuk)

Re: Things I have learnt.

Sat 10 Apr, 2010 8:07 am

photohiker wrote:If you look at the tick removal tools.....

Wow, did you see that link? They sure must have a lot of nasty ticks in Sweden and North America..... :roll: :oops:

Re: Things I have learnt.

Sat 10 Apr, 2010 1:48 pm

corvus wrote:Things I will ask ,like leeches are Ticks deterred with Deet ??

I can't comment on DEET, but a couple of years ago I did a few days on the Wilderness Coast near Mallacootta on my own and had been warned that ticks could be an issue.

I purchased some permethrin (sp?) from paddys and treated my outer clothes with it as per the instructions. On the last day I walked a couple of hours with a young couple I caught up to. They were regulars in the area and asked how I'd gone with ticks and I'd had none. They were surprised, particularly as I had gone off track a few times. They had been careful and still had a couple.

I'd be interested to know if the permethrin worked or I was just lucky

My only real experience with a tick was on the Border Track in Lamington but it fell off itself & just itched for a couple of days

Re: Things I have learnt.

Sat 10 Apr, 2010 7:34 pm

I've only ever had one tick, dabbed with some petrol and it fell off.

Back to the thread...
pushing the time limit whether it's when you've told someone you'll be back, or when daylight will disappear, causes undue stress and increases the likelihood of injury.

Following the track is much easier than making your own.

The trig point is not always the summit.

If you don't take walking poles you'll need them, if you take them, they'll be a nuisance.

If you don't take gaiters you'll need them.

Re: Things I have learnt.

Sat 10 Apr, 2010 11:59 pm

Taurë-rana wrote:Back to the thread...
pushing the time limit whether it's when you've told someone you'll be back, or when daylight will disappear, causes undue stress and increases the likelihood of injury.

Following the track is much easier than making your own.

The trig point is not always the summit.

If you don't take walking poles you'll need them, if you take them, they'll be a nuisance.

If you don't take gaiters you'll need them.

Well thought out post T, have plenty of personal experience with each of those :roll:

If you take gaiters you won't need them.
If you wear gaiters at least one leech will find its way underneath them.

Re: Things I have learnt.

Mon 12 Apr, 2010 8:04 pm

Taurë-rana wrote:I've only ever had one tick, dabbed with some petrol and it fell off.

Dont normally carry petrol on a Walk (some do carry Shellite) most do carry some form of insecticide I believe :)

Re: Things I have learnt.

Mon 12 Apr, 2010 8:10 pm

Deet on the skin just above the sock top and just under the top of your Gaiters helps deter Leeches,I also rub some just under the edge of my shorts :)

Re: Things I have learnt.

Tue 13 Apr, 2010 10:33 am

Plan and prepare for the worst and hope for the best ... more enjoyable if you know that you can cope with anything that nature might throw at you

Re: Things I have learnt.

Tue 20 Apr, 2010 7:20 pm

Age and injury catch up with all of us eventually. :(

Re: Things I have learnt.

Mon 26 Apr, 2010 10:37 am

When someone says,'we don't need a key to a Forestry Tas gate because it was open last time I was there', check with Forestry Tas anyway. Can save many kilometres of trudging on hard roads to get to the track start.

Re: Things I have learnt.

Mon 26 Apr, 2010 11:08 am

ILUVSWTAS wrote:Yup they found a paralysis tick here! Big bummer!!!!
I removed mine some 2-3 hrs after it was in, thats why i got very sick I think. My wife removed it with some tweezers.

I think i'd be cross if I got a tick. :lol:

Re: Things I have learnt.

Mon 26 Apr, 2010 11:10 am

Hiking gear is expensive.

Re: Things I have learnt.

Mon 26 Apr, 2010 4:22 pm

abowen wrote:When someone says,'we don't need a key to a Forestry Tas gate because it was open last time I was there', check with Forestry Tas anyway. Can save many kilometres of trudging on hard roads to get to the track start.

I think I've read that before somewhere, oh yes, it's somewhat similar to this:

ollster wrote:Just because the Forestry gate is open on they way in, doesn't mean it will still be open on the way out.
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