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Glueing instead of pinning for tent sewing

PostPosted: Sat 07 Aug, 2021 4:21 pm
by telemarktim

This is a brief report on my experimental use of silicone rubber glue to prepare tent seams for sewing without the need for pesky pinning. It has been a great help in making the many lay-flat seams for my latest experimental pyramid or bell tent from breathing polyester umbrella fabric as described in:

I find that the method is much easier than using pins, but I am a self-confessed ‘crap sewer’ and the technique may not be needed by MYOGers who are much more talented sewers than me.

The next photo shows a tent lay-flat seam, with a tricky bend in it that forms the integrated wall of the tent. It is ‘glue-tacked’ ready for easy sewing of the first critical (and normally difficult) line of stitches. It made the lay-flat seam sewing the easiest, most relaxed and nicest looking that I have ever done.


After the success of the first seam, I found that I did not need to wait for the glue to fully cure and I could just have a cup of tea leave the compression clips and plates in place just until that portion of the seam was just about to go under the sewing machine foot. The sewing was unimpeded by the glue.

For more details, please see:
