illegal campers on great walks

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Re: illegal campers on great walks

Postby izogi » Tue 30 Aug, 2016 6:30 am

newhue wrote:Mated with an on the spot stiff fine the word would get around the back packers pretty fast.

People do get fined from time to time, especially for camping infringements (sometimes by councils rather than DOC). Problems with fines in NZ include that there's no guaranteed way to be sure that a person is who they say they are, that DOC staff in remote places can't necessarily exert much authority over other people who don't cooperate because what are they going to do anyway (keep in mind that we're often talking about volunteer wardens who'd much rather be helping people than punishing them and creating uncomfortable situations!)...., and that backpackers often simply leave the country without paying fines.

I don't personally understand why NZ immigration doesn't have a working system for stopping people at the border when there are certain types of fines owing, and at least forcing them to swipe a credit card or something, but I think that problem is also larger than DOC and the conservation estate.
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Re: illegal campers on great walks

Postby newhue » Wed 31 Aug, 2016 7:26 am

yes its either suck it and suffer but enjoy the numbers. Or go down the path of proper proof of ID, temporary cash or CC recording for potential payment in fines, and issuing a license or pass with a number that links one to proof and payment and right of passage. Then have people catching and handing out fines. Rather a scary thought for a walk in the mountains. Still Doc have all the info already from when one books a GW, it would not be hard for the money counters to push it to the next step. But the greatness of NZ is they largely don't think that way, yet. Kiwi's generally don't think like Americans like us Australians have learned to. But there will be ones pushing for such a system though fear of loosing business will be the leveller.
It seems GW make enough for themselves if the money is not poached by politicians. It may be a simplistic approach, but rather than going down a regulation approach, promoting nature and the environment as a privilege to have is my preference. Something with a worth so hard to create, manufacture, or replace it outstrips the most expansive real estate on earth by 10 fold. Something to enjoy, cherish, and experience is your to have, but one has to contribute it rather than just use it.
It might get 50% of the poaching walkers and campers to pay, but there will always be some who want all for free. It's not about what facilities are there, track conditions, or how comfortable it can be made. It's about our greatest asset on earth, the environment.
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Re: illegal campers on great walks

Postby newhue » Thu 01 Sep, 2016 7:20 am

I may as well add humans cant make air, they can't make then why are we so bent on poisoning it. It takes hundreds or thousand of years to grow a forest, millions of years for the biodiversity to develop, but we cut it down in hours to build a shed or house. Perhaps people need to take hold of their destiny far more seriously than the money makers want us to.
We also need some more pride and dignity in ourselves. Politicians lie, new reporters lie, I am amazed how many people I meet in daily life who lie; its like it means nothing these days and is accepted. It will take many generations and much commitment, but people have a choice of what world they want to live in. One where continual poaching from backpackers to politicians only increases, or one where a deep respect for themselves, others, and the environment may exist. Pie in the sky...perhaps, but it's hard to say we are on the right track as well.
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