Six Foot Track, Medlow Gap, Narrow Neck via Tarros

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Six Foot Track, Medlow Gap, Narrow Neck via Tarros

Postby shaunarundell » Sat 12 Feb, 2022 11:51 am

I'm after some advice for a relative new hiker. I'm planning a two day hike (might be solo) Katoomba to Katoomba.

Out by Six Foot Track, Megalong Valley Road to Dunphys campground, Bellbird ridge trail, Medlow Gap trail, Medlow Gap - 22.5K
Back via Mount Debert, Tarros Ladder and Narrow Neck fireroad.

I've done the six foot track recently, from the Jenolan end (where the track cross the Jenolan caves road) to Katoomba and camped overnight at Coxs river campground.
I've got good equipment, light, Satellite/emergency messaging.

I'm pretty happy with Day one, it looks very straight forward with not to much in the way of accents.
I'm a little concerned with day two and making my way to the top of Tarros ladder.

A couple of questions ?
1. What's the path up from Medlow Gap up to Mt Debert like ? Is it easy to follow ? how much rock scrambling ?
2. Is there an alternative to the Mt Debert route ? I see on a lot of the maps there is a Cedar ridge trail and little Cedar Gap trail winding its way up on the other side ? Is it a viable alternative ?
3. What about the ladder itself ? I understand there is a way up that avoids the ladder if I thinks is a bit dodgy - Duncans Pass
4. Also, for day 1, what about turning on to the Medlow Gap management trail just after Corral Creek - Is that as easy as the Megalong Valley route - would it save a few K and a bit of effort ?

I think I should be ok with the ladder but just want an alternative in case its wet or I'm solo and concerned with falls.

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Re: Six Foot Track, Medlow Gap, Narrow Neck via Tarros

Postby Turfa » Mon 14 Feb, 2022 6:09 am

The track from Medlow Gap is very clear and easy to follow all the way up to Clear Hill at the end of Narrowneck. There are a few scrambly spots, but nothing really difficult. Tarros Ladder is not really a ladder so much as a series of steel spikes/rungs in the rock. It is a pretty easy climb, especially going up, but some people are not comfortable with the exposure. The Wallaby track that bypasses the climb tends to be a bit variable in terms of how easy it is to follow. It is very clear after mid-May as it is used as an alternative to the spikes in the Ultra Trail Australia event and it gets hundreds of people using it. For the rest of the year it gradually fades away, and gets a little less obvious. Regardless it is not too hard to find & follow, it starts right at the base of Tarros Ladder, traverses to the right for about 100m, climbs straight up the slope and then traverses back left to virtually the top of the ladders.
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Re: Six Foot Track, Medlow Gap, Narrow Neck via Tarros

Postby shaunarundell » Mon 14 Feb, 2022 7:14 pm


Very useful, thanks.

I think I will do a one day trial - drive to Dunphys campground, hike light to Tarros and have a good look at both the ladder and Wallaby track, have a go at both, so when next I come on a multi day hike with at 15K pack I know what I'm doing.
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Re: Six Foot Track, Medlow Gap, Narrow Neck via Tarros

Postby tom_brennan » Sun 27 Feb, 2022 6:20 pm

shaunarundell wrote:1. What's the path up from Medlow Gap up to Mt Debert like ? Is it easy to follow ? how much rock scrambling ?

Yes, easy walking, no rock scrambling

shaunarundell wrote:2. Is there an alternative to the Mt Debert route ? I see on a lot of the maps there is a Cedar ridge trail and little Cedar Gap trail winding its way up on the other side ? Is it a viable alternative ?

Yes, but probably not worth the bother under any conditions given the above.

shaunarundell wrote:3. What about the ladder itself ? I understand there is a way up that avoids the ladder if I thinks is a bit dodgy - Duncans Pass

The "ladder" is a little awkward at the bottom, but gets easier as you go up. Obviously if you're by yourself and with a pack, you have fewer options for hauling packs.
The Wallaby Track is pretty easy to find. Walk along the cliff to the right until it breaks, walk up the steep slope, and back along the ledge to the top of the ladder.

shaunarundell wrote:4. Also, for day 1, what about turning on to the Medlow Gap management trail just after Corral Creek - Is that as easy as the Megalong Valley route - would it save a few K and a bit of effort ?

I imagine it would be more pleasant than the Megalong Rd, since you're in the bush more. Megalong Rd is not that busy, but still a road (though a fire trail is not that much better!)
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