Clouds movement over the Bogong High Plains again

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Clouds movement over the Bogong High Plains again

Postby wildernesswanderer » Wed 07 Nov, 2012 6:46 pm

This is the first image I shot using the 10stop filter to get the cloud movement.
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Clouds movement over the Bogong High Plains again

Postby quicky » Fri 23 Nov, 2012 3:03 pm

That's a really nice shot. What gear do you have?

I have always been a point-and-shoot kinda know, the waterproof shockproof idiot-proof type. Lately, after joining in on some conversations on BPL, I have decided to explore other options for photography, something like the Sony RX100, S110 or the Olympus XZ-1.... or something of that calibre...kinda thing! :shock:

But still, I'd love to hear your thoughts on cameras for a novice who wants to take that little more time and effort in photography.

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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Clouds movement over the Bogong High Plains again

Postby Davekyn » Sat 01 Dec, 2012 1:41 pm

Looks very surreal. Brings another whole new dimension to the scene.
Well done!
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Re: Clouds movement over the Bogong High Plains again

Postby Travis22 » Sun 02 Dec, 2012 12:11 pm

Nice photo WW,

Your 10stopper, is it from B&W? I love ours, however i prefer its effects on water and or people/ vehicles (erasing) over what it does to the sky.

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Re: Clouds movement over the Bogong High Plains again

Postby wildernesswanderer » Sun 02 Dec, 2012 8:34 pm

Thanks for the replies. Yes the filter is a B+W 10 stop although I'm thinking of buying a Singh-Ray Vari. I actually love what it will do to the clouds but I only use it to get the movement if I think the subject matter will look good with it so I don't use it to much.

As for equipment, this depends on what you want to achieve. I use filters on my lenses so any camera that doesn't allow me to use filters is out as far as I'm concerned. I use ND Grad filters, Reverse Grads, Polarisers and the full ND filters. All my cameras whether my full pro gear or my point and shoot will allow filters to be used.
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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