Sleeping Beauty

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Sleeping Beauty

Postby sherpa » Wed 26 Dec, 2012 4:26 pm

Friday 21st Dec. Pitched the new Hilleberg Allak in my back yard. An early Christmas present to my self.
Enjoy the view.
aCollins Bonnet Dec 2012 006.jpg
Pretty cool having a mountain in your back yard. Collins Bonnet 1260m. Sleeping Beauty Range.
aCollins Bonnet Dec 2012 019.jpg
The Allak pitched metres below the summit. Ist vestible came complete with local flora and numerous rocks. 2nd vestible was totally inaccessible, wall to wall with shrubery and boulders. Trestle Mountain 1160m. can be seen down below in the middle ground.
aCollins Bonnet Dec 2012 015.jpg
North, towards a lesser peak.
aCollins Bonnet Dec 2012 016.jpg
East, the Derwent River below.
aCollins Bonnet Dec 2012 012.jpg
Solitude at last.
Last edited by sherpa on Fri 28 Dec, 2012 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Atherosperma moschatum
Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: Sleeping Beauty

Postby mjdalessa » Thu 27 Dec, 2012 5:13 pm

Wow, not a bad summit camp that one. Looks great!
Recent Peaks: Snowy South, Ben Nevis, Victoria, Blackboy, Bastion
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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