
Bushwalking pictures.
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Postby biggbird » Fri 19 Dec, 2014 8:33 pm

A few shots from the small amount of walking we were able to do during our recent trip to India. Most of our time was taken up with family commitments, but that's life when your SO is Indian I guess! We managed to spend a bit of time in Himachal Pradesh in the north, which was beautiful and is highly recommended.

We managed to spend one night on the track on the way to Lake Mantalai in the Parvati Valley but were turned around because of significant ice, bears and a broken bridge. We then walked to Beas Kund, near Manali. After that it was the bus to Dharamshala/McLeodganj and a couple of nights around Triund. All lovely, but disappointing to not actually complete any significant walks! That's what you get for going at the start of winter, I guess. Let's hope that 2015's walking holiday in Europe is a little more succesful.

Parvati River near Kasol

Parvati Valley, on the way to Mantalai (We wished...)

Campsite in the Beas Valley

Beas Valley by day

Playing a traditional North Indian game with some Tibetan schoolkids at Triund (Can't remember the name of the game, but it was fun!)

On the way to Lhaka

Our canine companion

Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: India

Postby skog » Fri 19 Dec, 2014 9:16 pm

It looks great for the limited time you had.

I am not sure about camping out with bears in the area :wink:
When I think of something good to put here, I will................
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Re: India

Postby biggbird » Wed 24 Dec, 2014 9:27 pm

Cheers Skog.

Haha we weren't so sure about it either, apparently there had been a few cows eaten in recent weeks up there... And we saw a group of men going in with guns on our way out... :(
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: India

Postby iandsmith » Sun 22 Mar, 2015 6:49 am

Interesting, thanks for sharing.
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