Small Creek

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Small Creek

Postby Mickeymoo » Tue 01 Sep, 2009 8:31 am

I was up at a mates property on the weekend where he has a small creek running through his property which ends up in Craigbourne Dam, its been dry since he bought the proeprty and had a good bit of water coming down it with all the recent rains, so I took a little wander and found a couple of nice spots for photos.






Not sure whether I prefer the B&W or the colour version of this one?


Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Small Creek

Postby tasadam » Tue 01 Sep, 2009 10:12 am

Definitely the colour version - the B&W one looks like it's after a bushfire. Though the blue / purple areas in a couple of spots in the water are odd.
I bet your mate was pretty happy to see water coming down!
Nice work. I like the second one best.
Looks like the water was a bit higher too, the flattened grass on the left bank being the indicator.

So where have you been hiding lately?
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Re: Small Creek

Postby woka » Tue 01 Sep, 2009 11:03 am

Yep, I like the colour version too. Nice photo's, I like the first one. Did you use any filters on these Michael?
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Small Creek

Postby Mickeymoo » Tue 01 Sep, 2009 6:31 pm

tasadam wrote:Definitely the colour version - the B&W one looks like it's after a bushfire. Though the blue / purple areas in a couple of spots in the water are odd.
I bet your mate was pretty happy to see water coming down!
Nice work. I like the second one best.
Looks like the water was a bit higher too, the flattened grass on the left bank being the indicator.

So where have you been hiding lately?

Thanks Adam, yeah now you mention it the B7W does look like a fire has gone through! I think the bluish parts are just dark rocks etc but I did process these on the laptop which has a pretty ordinary screen so may need a tweak of the WB.

Yeah he was pretty happy to see the creek running although the water flooded the camp (whoever built it years ago built it 3m from the creek on the bank :lol: )

I'v been hibernating :D but now I'm very hungry, so I should be out and about taking more photos soon, just have to get the motivation levels up!

woka wrote:Yep, I like the colour version too. Nice photo's, I like the first one. Did you use any filters on these Michael?

Thanks woka, yeah I had a circular polarising filter on, it was quite overcast, foggy and raining so getting a longish shutter speed was fairly easy especially with the CPL on.

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