A walk in the snow - not quite to Rufus

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A walk in the snow - not quite to Rufus

Postby Phil » Tue 15 Sep, 2009 8:30 am

Hi all

Just thought I'd post a few pics of my day-walk from this past Friday (11th Sep).

The two of us arrived from Launceston down at Lake St Clair at about 8:15 and were straight on the track. It was a glorious frosty morning, blue sky and not a breath of wind. There was quite a bit of excitement upon seeing the amount of snow in the area as we travelled along the small section of the Lyell Highway after coming down from the Great Lakes (very enjoyable drive from Launceston to start the day).

It didn't take long before we started seeing some snow in perfect walking conditions. A couple of the tarns along the way were frosted over, we wandered past Shadow Lake and then onto Forgotten Lake. Unfortunately it was very hard going as we attempted to ascend Little Hugel due to the amount of snow (only one of us had snow shoes - thanks Nik) and so we turned around and wandered back to Shadow Lake for an early lunch.

From there we wandered along the track towards Rufus (knowing that we would not summit it either) at a more casual pace and throughly enjoyed the walk in sunny conditions. After taking a few photos and stopping for a snack at the Hugel River we turned back and headed back down to Lake St Clair via the Shadow Lake Circuit.

Hope you enjoy some of the photos :D
Mount Rufus + Little Hugel Tracks (1).jpg
Mount Rufus + Little Hugel Tracks (2).jpg
Mount Rufus + Little Hugel Tracks (3).jpg
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Re: A walk in the snow - not quite to Rufus

Postby Phil » Tue 15 Sep, 2009 8:31 am

some more..........
Mount Rufus + Little Hugel Tracks (4).jpg
Mount Rufus + Little Hugel Tracks (6).jpg
Mount Rufus + Little Hugel Tracks (8).jpg
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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: A walk in the snow - not quite to Rufus

Postby Phil » Tue 15 Sep, 2009 8:36 am

a few more........
Mount Rufus + Little Hugel Tracks (9).jpg
Mount Rufus + Little Hugel Tracks (11).jpg
Mount Rufus + Little Hugel Tracks.jpg
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Re: A walk in the snow - not quite to Rufus

Postby Ent » Tue 15 Sep, 2009 8:39 am

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Re: A walk in the snow - not quite to Rufus

Postby eggs » Tue 15 Sep, 2009 12:22 pm


Some of us will probably never see this kind of snow in Tas. [Being summer travellers - and yes I have been in the summer snows, but never deep mushy stuff]
Thanks for the photos.
Some of the mix of colours in the sun is quite brilliant.

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Re: A walk in the snow - not quite to Rufus

Postby Phil » Wed 16 Sep, 2009 12:00 pm

A couple more (compressed files)......
Rufus + Hugel Panorama.jpg
Shadow Lake.jpg
Tree (B&W).jpg
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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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