A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

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A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

Postby Davo1 » Sat 01 Aug, 2015 8:33 am

Had a recent quick trip to QLD for a wedding and called in at New England National Park (along with a few others) on the way back to Tassie.
We actually visited 16 National Parks on the way back...had an absolute ball.
A highlight of here was watching the sunrise from Point Lookout and listening to the chorus from the Lyebirds in the valley below...a pretty special and memorable moment.
Anyway here's a few pics from New England NP and Five Day Creek .
Five Day Creek
Cascade Falls, Five Day Creek
Cascade Falls, Five Day Creek
From Point Lookout
New England National Park
Looks like this could be a close relative of our Mountain Pepper
Time to depart
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Re: A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

Postby MickyB » Sat 01 Aug, 2015 8:39 am

Wow!!! Awesome photos as always Davo.
Sometimes, I use big words I don't always fully understand in an effort to make myself sound more photosynthesis.
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Re: A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

Postby Davo1 » Sat 01 Aug, 2015 8:44 am

MickyB wrote:Wow!!! Awesome photos as always Davo.

Cheers MickyB
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Re: A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

Postby beardless » Sat 01 Aug, 2015 11:32 am

Astoundingly beautiful photos of the waterfalls and moss rocks.
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Re: A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

Postby ofuros » Sat 01 Aug, 2015 3:47 pm

Agreed, it's a wonderful spot. 8-).
Nice pics.....

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Mountain views are good for my soul...& getting to them is good for my waistline !
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Re: A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

Postby Davo1 » Sun 02 Aug, 2015 7:31 am

Thanks ofurus and beardless....I would like to go back and spend about a week here, really enjoyed it.
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Re: A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

Postby WarrenH » Tue 04 Aug, 2015 11:21 am

Great shots. It looks like a fabulous time to visit.

The timing of your post is excellent because I'm heading to New England next week. I wasn't sure how to approach Five Day Creek, either from below or from up top, and your post has solved a dilemma ... or perhaps created an even bigger one.

I was reading the current alerts for the park and there has been a wildlife mortality event, causing a partial closure of the park. Hopefully it was nothing more than another Bogan in a 4WD losing the plot.

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Re: A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

Postby Davo1 » Wed 05 Aug, 2015 6:26 am

WarrenH wrote:Great shots. It looks like a fabulous time to visit.

The timing of your post is excellent because I'm heading to New England next week. I wasn't sure how to approach Five Day Creek, either from below or from up top, and your post has solved a dilemma ... or perhaps created an even bigger one.

I was reading the current alerts for the park and there has been a wildlife mortality event, causing a partial closure of the park. Hopefully it was nothing more than another Bogan in a 4WD losing the plot.


Hi Warren,
If you meant approaching Five Day Creek from the Bellinger end then yes it is closed. It is also taped off at the top near the junction of Wrights lookout track and the Five Day Creek walk.
With the Five Day Creek walk do the loop in a clockwise direction.
I would have liked to have been there when the orchids on the Antarctic Beech were flowering....gives me an excuse to go back :)
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Re: A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

Postby Davo1 » Wed 05 Aug, 2015 9:20 am

By the way Warren, the closure relates to deaths of the snapping turtles.
There are numerous articles about it including one in National Geographic.
Here's a link to a local story.
http://www.bellingencourier.com.au/stor ... -update-3/
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Re: A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

Postby WarrenH » Wed 05 Aug, 2015 4:30 pm

Davo1, G'day again.

Davo1 wrote:If you meant approaching Five Day Creek from the Bellinger end then yes it is closed.

From below; I meant from the confluence of Five Day Creek and the Macleay River, past Picnic Point and through Nulla-Five Day State Forest on the fire trails to where Cedar Creek runs into Five Day Creek below Yellow Knob. I tried doing that the last time that I visited New England and the rain was too severe. I'm doing the BNT Main Trail, going through New England along Georges Creek (if possible) from the Macleay to the Georges Trail and to the Forest Way. I know about the turtles because I've been talking to the Head Ranger at Dorrego Mr Scott Filmer and to the Local Land Services office (aka the old Livestock Health and Protection Agency) about having access to the TSRs (Travelling Stock Reserves) within the National Park. I was just wishfully hoping that it was a boofheaded Bogan. It was sad to hear that it was turtles. Irony used to be the common language of Australia.

Davo1 wrote:With the Five Day Creek walk do the loop in a clockwise direction.

Thanks for the advice. This will be a great side trip from the BNT. There is a TSR at the top of Forest Way and three TSRs at Cathedral Rocks and another at Ebor. I'll do several walks over several days camped on the TSRs, before moving on. The Cunnawarra Trail is an extant Travelling Stock Route that terminates at the edge of the escarpment at Spring Creek. The TSR here is at Diamond Flat. There is a lot to see and photograph in New England NP.

Thanks again.

Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

Postby Davo1 » Wed 05 Aug, 2015 5:04 pm

Cheers Warren, wish I was tagging along :)
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Re: A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

Postby WarrenH » Fri 07 Aug, 2015 7:56 pm

Davo1, Cheers to you too Mate.

Hopefully, I'll take a few shots of the quality of your images. I'd be absolutely blown away if I got something close.

If you don't mind? I'll post them here to show how your advice has helped and influenced me.

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Re: A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

Postby Davo1 » Sat 08 Aug, 2015 7:17 am

I'm looking forward to seeing them Warren.....
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Re: A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

Postby WarrenH » Sat 26 Sep, 2015 8:16 pm

G'day Davo. I hope that you are powering on.

New England was very interesting, but it was as dry as a nut. The climb from Georges Creek to the Cunnawarra Trail, on the Bicentennial National Trail, was steep and wearying. The several crossings of Georges Creek were freezing but exciting.

Unfortunately Alum Mountain was on fire, which made the Five Day Creek loop too smokey to do. I stayed at the Styx River TSR for a couple of days, hoping the smoke would ease, but after no joy, I headed further North. Five day Creek can wait until November next year.

A line of fire on Alum Mountain above the smokey high reaches of Five Day Creek.


Lot of photography was done. I lost a lot of shots from camera shake because of high winds. Big winds persisted for almost the entire duration of my time away.

I'll start a Gallery thread called, Filling Gaps on the BNT, and post shots in the next few days. I hope that you have a chance to call by.

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Re: A day at New England NP and Five Day creek

Postby Davo1 » Mon 28 Sep, 2015 7:30 am

Sorry to hear about the not so good conditions Warren.
Will definitely drop by for a visit :)
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