Fell ill after collecting rain water in thick scrub.

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Fell ill after collecting rain water in thick scrub.

Postby Davekyn » Tue 26 Feb, 2013 7:37 pm

I'm not that experienced with collecting water or filtration for that matter.
After using our small pump filters with the ceramic stones in them ... (actually not sure what stone .. mini hiker type of pump filter) well they stopped working as the water was so heavy, I could barley keep afloat after trying to cool off in the dam. So it was that when it rained that night, we collect what water we could off our tarps ... The taste of the eucalyptus trees was VERY STRONG ... I got rather ill later on with bloated gut, felt like vomiting and my head was thumping ... I am thinking or I now ask ... I guess I should of treated the rain water despite it being considered safe by most people??? It really tasted like the previous days leaves expiration of oil was washed down with that rain and that the bitter taste was very much a small amount of oil???

We also did drink some dam water as well ... but did so thinking our filters would of done the trick ... I had some tablets sent over from Israel and used one which I thought was not so bad after I poured it onto a wide open billy to let the chlorine taste evaporate some ... tasted like tap water after that, however my mate was not so keen on using that tablets. I on the other hand twice his age and already having had near renal failure in the past, did not fair so well ...

In future I think I will use my tablets after using my little stone pump filter ... although I am not sure if the tablets would of helped with the bitterness of the eucalyptus oil ... or what I figured must of been ... as after a few hours in my bladder it tasted really BITTER ... like I was drinking the leaves straight ...

3 DAYS we spent like that as the filters packed it in straight away on the dam water ... NEVER again ... I carried extra water, but my hiking buddy refuses to carry much as he relies mostly on his filter. Hope he learned from this episode!

I was feeling a little better 5 days later ... after we stumbled out of the National Park onto the prearranged pickup point on the highway.

Need to study up some more on water treatment!!! Any Advice welcome ... :oops:
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Re: Fell ill after collecting rain water in thick scrub.

Postby Mark F » Tue 26 Feb, 2013 9:13 pm

A few thoughts for you. There is a really good set of articles on bpl about the options for water purification but these are behind a pay wall. Based on your post and the one about cleaning filters I would suggest:

If the water is muddy (heavy dam water?) pre-filter it though a handkerchief, bandanna, jif cloth etc to remove most of the larger particles and allow it to stand a while before the final filtering. This applies to both filters and Steripen UV systems. It may well affect chemical systems as usually the mud is heavy in clays which do quite a good job a scavenging chemicals and metals.

Eucalyptus is a poison so avoid drinking it if possible. This may partially explain why you felt ill.

The main treatment options are (with a well regarded brand name to consider - there may well be several others):
FIlter - pump (MSR) or gravity (Sawyer) - many variations - best to pre-filter if the water is muddy or otherwise dirty - quick - the pore size of the filter dictates what it will deal with.
UV (Steripen) needs relatively clear water for the UV to work - quick - requires batteries
Chemicals (Aqua Mira, Katadyn Micropur) - several options may change the taste of the water and need time to work - 30 minutes to 1 hour.

DO some googling and read plenty of comments.
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Re: Fell ill after collecting rain water in thick scrub.

Postby andrewbish » Tue 26 Feb, 2013 9:27 pm

I use Potable Aqua Iodine tablets that I got quite cheaply on ebay. No bad experiences yet. :)

You will find the water section of the Bushwalking FAQ that Roger Caffin maintains helpful.
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Re: Fell ill after collecting rain water in thick scrub.

Postby wayno » Wed 27 Feb, 2013 6:18 am

I dont think tablets will necessarily help in this situation, they will kill bugs, and they may or may not break down plant toxins depending on the toxin.., you may still need a filter to resolve that issue,,, the suggestion to use a cloth to prefilter the water before treating it further is a great one.
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Re: Fell ill after collecting rain water in thick scrub.

Postby wayno » Wed 27 Feb, 2013 6:32 am

water filter and purification comparative review

http://www.outdoorgearlab.com/Backpacki ... ws/ratings
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Re: Fell ill after collecting rain water in thick scrub.

Postby Onestepmore » Wed 27 Feb, 2013 8:03 am

Don't forget Seychelle products - thay are European so Outdoorgearlab tends to forget about them! Widely used by aid agencies and emergency situations
I have their larger gravity fed bag for basecamping.

Kelly's basecamp has a small range of their products eg the lifestraw (has anyone used one of these , or similar? Do they clog easily?)

I'd never use just one method for water purification - always take a backup in case of failure (filter, batteries etc). Even if it's only a small dropper bottle of povidone iodine (buy from chemist or veterinarian) or household bleach, or some iodine or chlorine dioxide tablets after filtering through a bandanna. There are quite a few threads here regarding water purification. These are unlikey to take the tast of eucalyptus away though...?
I'll copy the 'recipes' for the two simple ones i just mentioned.

Easy 'recipes'
Tincture iodine (2%)
5 drops per Litre
10 drops per L if cloudy
Allow to stand for 30 mins before drinking

Household bleach - usually 6% sodium hypochlorite
Use the plain stuff, not lemon scented or whatever!
2 drops per Litre water (The yanks use 1/4 tsp per gallon)
4 drops if cloudy
Allow to stand 30 mins before drinking

NB 20 drops = 1 ml
Therefore 1 drop = 0.05 ml
(Ask your friendly local veterinarian for a 1 ml syringe :wink: )

Boiling - need to have on a rolling boil for 1 mnute
3 minutes if above 2000 m altitude
(because boiling point is diminished below 100 dec C the higher the altitude)

Good article by Roger Caffin for other bits and pieces
http://www.bushwalking.org.au/FAQ/FAQ_Water.htm "

Hope this helps
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Re: Fell ill after collecting rain water in thick scrub.

Postby Davekyn » Wed 27 Feb, 2013 5:42 pm

Firstly ... Thank You to all your replies. (You all make perfect sense ... wish you were there :D )

The dam looked fairly clear on top. The only reason the topic of heavy water came up, was because I found it difficult to keep a float whilst taking a swim. None the less I am hearing the message on pre filtering. I am very disappointed in how quickly my stone clogged up though and now seems unusable after only pumping about 4 liters over two trips. I thought it was just my cheap "solider Water Filter" from Ebay, however my mates expensive Hiker Pro (Large Version) seems to need a filter replacement as well.

I'm thankful for all your replies and will be sure to check the links out provided ... Yes I know of Kellys Base Camp and will also looking to the different options you mention there as well.

I don't want to be ever caught off guard like that again ... I guess some of us learn the hard way!

PS will read up some, as you suggest Mark ... :wink:
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Re: Fell ill after collecting rain water in thick scrub.

Postby wayno » Wed 27 Feb, 2013 6:29 pm

some learn the hard way?
i'd say its more than some.....
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Re: Fell ill after collecting rain water in thick scrub.

Postby madmacca » Thu 28 Feb, 2013 10:54 pm

Part of the problem might have been waterproofing chemicals off the tarp?

Good old boiling will take care of just about any nasties you care to mention. (Although boiling and waiting for it to cool is time consuming).
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