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Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Sat 16 May, 2020 10:04 pm

Mark here are the links to the NZ tramps we planned to do.

https://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recre ... n-circuit/

https://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recre ... ast-track/


Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Wed 20 May, 2020 6:55 am

I was literally a week out from my annual Indonesian surfing sojourn when he travel bans took hold. I had one foot in the wax before my dreams were shattered and now, considering I haven't missed this trip in 20 years, I'm feeling oddly displaced and cheated.

Can't even go bush proper, so instead of pulling ticks off a tired body I'm developing tics on a fat one!!!

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Thu 21 May, 2020 8:23 pm

Warming an idea to go to the Warrumbungles early June.
Better to visit when its cold rather than in a blistering summer!
From base camp Blackmans, a walk to the caves or a casual off track across the paddocks. Building to the main loop walk, a version of Grand Tops.
Plenty of formed tracks, have to carry all water though.

See how that goes, the Pilliga is to the north as is Kaputar. Or go there first.

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Tue 22 Sep, 2020 2:03 pm

While making no suggestion that this is over, the national parks in Australia are mostly open again to hikers.
Did some of you get to complete the walks delayed from earlier in the year?
Last month I cycled to the Coorong here in SA for my first trip away without my car for 9 months. It was fantastic to revisit the quiet campsites and make new 'discoveries'. To be allowed to visit our parks again after SA's shutdown was so appreciated.
Access to 90 Mile beach north of tea tree crossing has to be by boat, kayak or swimming. I chose to swim and at the other side a track led to the ocean. Hidden from view were a dozen or so late model 4WD's that had been inundated with salt water. NPWS must have had them towed there from the beach. There was camping& fishing gear on and in the vehicles going to waste. Apparently driving on the northern half of this ocean beach is now banned. (driving on the beach is not good IMHO)
At least there were no cars left dead on the beach and no recent car tracks.
The shoreline vanishes into mist in both directions, looks like it goes forever.
Back on the mainland side of the Coorong I found many tracks leading to quiet little beaches and old shacks.
Cycling and walking these ancient dunes gave me respect for the original inhabitants of the Coorong and lower lakes.
There was a standoff with 2 emu. Just as I was about to back off they ran away. My main interaction with wildlife was with swooping magpies, they seem to target hikers just as much as cyclists! My next visit there and to the Limestone coast will be less than 9 months away.

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Mon 12 Oct, 2020 4:30 pm

When I posted that I would not ever have believed that almost 7 months later we are still locked down tight; I'm over it really and despite being in the so called high risk bracket due to age I'm willing to risk it now. Too long in lockdown and I think I am starting to go a little more crazy that usual. I really miss being out in the bush with myself or with mates. The meet and greet at Mt Franklin in a month is starting to look doubtful

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Mon 12 Oct, 2020 5:02 pm

Agree with MD, although my domicile makes things much more pleasant than for those in suburban environs.

I am having serious doubts as to the bang for the buck with this draconian lock down. Its ruining people's social and economic lives to try to avoid a statistically insignificant number of deaths in a very narrow demographic. My age puts me in the frame also, but we have to learn to live with this and accept a price to keep society functioning.

I may have mentioned it earlier, but my plans focus on two to three dayers on BHP. Hopefully a couple this side of Christmas.

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Tue 13 Oct, 2020 5:08 pm

Kickinghorse wrote:Mark here are the links to the NZ tramps we planned to do.

https://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recre ... n-circuit/

https://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recre ... ast-track/


by the time you know when the border opens they are likely to be booked out for that season everyones going back to nature with travel restrictions and no timeframe for it to end...

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Wed 14 Oct, 2020 9:52 pm

Lifestyle benefit of regional living, it's been over for a while. Even during, the bush doesn't tell tales. On a more serious note, are metro/suburban-centric families out there considering a tree/sea change? Don't give me news headlines, what's your experience?

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Fri 16 Oct, 2020 7:22 am

It's easy for me to forget what the world outside Tassie is still dealing with - though that will no doubt change when the borders open soon. I've been happy for a long time that our stunning state holds all I need/want for the rest of my walking life. Loving the 'wild and free' experiences off-track, all just a few hours from home. Dozens of desirable options (weather, floods, fires and new lockdown limits permitting) while we wait for damaged tracks to open. Federation...*sigh*

Ex Sydney-ite (25 years) and Melburnian (12 years)

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Sat 17 Oct, 2020 10:15 am

Tortoise wrote:It's easy for me to forget what the world outside Tassie is still dealing with - though that will no doubt change when the borders open soon. I've been happy for a long time that our stunning state holds all I need/want for the rest of my walking life. Loving the 'wild and free' experiences off-track, all just a few hours from home. Dozens of desirable options (weather, floods, fires and new lockdown limits permitting) while we wait for damaged tracks to open. Federation...*sigh*

Hey Tortoise, Im really pleased to hear you (and no doubt many other Tasmanian bushwalkers) have found a happy place to be in such uncertain times and I hope your getting out there and making the most of it !

My routine for many years as a FIFO Tasmanian bushwalker has been to research a walk, book a flight and then spend a couple of months in eager anticipation of my next big adventure. Im lucky to have family in Hobart so after a few days at mum and dads I get the keys to their car and Im off......free at last !!!
Regardless of the length of the walk my time in the bush always seems to pass far too quickly and before I know it Im reluctantly getting back on a plane to fly back to WA.

Now with Mark McGowan acting like an arrogant tosser with West Australians hard border the idea of setting out on another excursion into the Tassie wilderness seems to be a million miles away. Minor problems compared to the restrictions a lot of other people are facing at the moment I know but I cant tell you how much Im missing my time in the bush and just how much I envy you guys down there !!


Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Sat 17 Oct, 2020 11:31 am

Mechanic-AL wrote:Hey Tortoise, Im really pleased to hear you (and no doubt many other Tasmanian bushwalkers) have found a happy place to be in such uncertain times and I hope your getting out there and making the most of it !

Thanks, Al. I sure am making the most of it. :D

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Sat 17 Oct, 2020 1:10 pm

Tomorrow is when our Victorian friends find out about their access to National Parks or even just travel within greater
Melbourne. To those who have endured, you deserve to walk & camp in natural places. I hope it is only soon after tomorrow that there are more restrictions removed.
Victoria, many beautiful places, good people.

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Sat 17 Oct, 2020 1:45 pm

Suspect that it is not going to happen tomorrow for Melbourne. Too many examples of them spreading virus to regional Victoria.

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Sat 17 Oct, 2020 5:53 pm

May be time to up and leave the city folks. Chitties are nice to visit, wouldn't wanna live there for more than six months.

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Sat 17 Oct, 2020 11:24 pm

A core bushwalker who has to live in the City is like a "Bear in a Circus" they are just longing for freedom
and wanting to smell the fresh pine and eucalyptus trees and roll in the grass, whilst enjoying the fresh
southerly wind in the face or the squelch of walking through fresh snow, leaving the only tracks on a lonely beach
its invigorating to recharge the soul and cleanse the mind whilst bushwalking with friends and getting back to nature.

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Sun 25 Oct, 2020 12:24 am

As a FIFO walker from WA, although I will miss my annual trip to explore more of the wilderness of Tasmania, I'd rather go without that experience for the time being in order to keep the virus out of WA. There are still plenty of good walking areas in the southwest of WA; the karri forest is a delight to visit in spring and so is the south coast. The Warren River is a lovely spot for an easy paddle as is the Walpole-Nornalup Inlet. The Stirling Range is another worthy spot; at least the bits that weren't charred in the most recent large bushfires. The Cape to Cape and the Bibbulmun are also excellent walks in parts. So there's a few very satisfying options for my fellow Sandgropers to consider during our temporary period of isolation from the rest of Oz! :D We can open up the borders for all of Australia, that will possible once Vic and NSW eliminate community transmission and stop this idea of just allowing it to bubble along, as that approach makes further serious outbreaks seemingly inevitable. We all just need to show just a little bit more patience me thinks. If that patience had been shown for just a couple more weeks back in June, perhaps the 2nd wave could have been avoided altogether and free travel within Australia would have been largely back to normal several months ago, rather than still a few more months into the future. Not a fan of the ALP, but I can't fault the management of McGowan, the Health Minister and the Police Commissioner with respect to how WA has managed the COVID situation. The health of the many outweighs my personal desire for wanderlust.

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Sun 25 Oct, 2020 1:18 pm

Hi there Farefam

I agree with you on all points and have willingly put my tail between my legs until this is over. As you say, the interests of all Australians is far greater than any single persons desire to travel interstate. And WA does have some amazing areas to walk in. I have been a regular visitor to all the areas you mention. Unfortunately none of them would be places I would willingly choose to do any sort of extended walks in in the middle of a long hot WA summer.

My comments about Mark Mcgowans attitude come from the belief that if there wasnt a state election looming and he didnt have the benefit of rising iron ore prices he would be playing more of a team game with far less chest thumping going on.

But I certainly dont envy any of our leaders trying to navigate a path through this mess at the moment though.

Hope our paths cross soon in WA or further down the track in Tassie.


Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Tue 27 Oct, 2020 7:14 am

Well Victoria is out of lockdown in a couple of weeks so lets see how we handle the next wave of infections after the Ninth of November.
But I do think the economic and mental health benefits of opening up far outweigh the potential risks.
The reasons given for locking down tight were to allow hospitals to get ready for large numbers of people who might need care, to buy equipment and train up people in its use; haven't seen any real evidence of that in Victoria so far.
What I hope to see in the near future is much better HVAC in public transport as well as all public places, hospitals, schools and restaurants and a willingness with people to pay the added cost of the needed infrastructures.

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Wed 28 Oct, 2020 7:29 am

Planning an unstructured road trip at Xmas, up to 9 days. Dogs are booked into a kennel, which is always the main hurdle, gives us the freedom to wing it.

Will be playing some golf, doing some day walks dependent on temperatures & fire danger, and gracing the local pubs with our presence in the evenings. Accommodation may be difficult to find if we haven't booked ahead, so will throw in some car-camping basics - tent, swags, esky, Jetboil. Although we'll be avoiding accommodation in popular destinations or large towns.

If the SA border opens up I wouldn't mind heading over that way.

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Mon 02 Nov, 2020 12:52 am

I am going bush to my favourite place for good.

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Thu 31 Dec, 2020 6:25 pm

Hmm I seem to have lost my mojo somewhat with trip planning. Planning anything has ended up with disappointment a few times over in 2020.

I feel for my own well being I need to have something in the works though, a multiday walk really helps centre me (yes, sounds cheesy but it seems to naturally happen when my mind is unoccupied) and walking for a few days seems to recharge me from working permanent night shift as I only have the natural light and dark to allow my body to get into a more healthy rhythm.

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Fri 01 Jan, 2021 7:50 am

Ms_Mudd wrote:Hmm I seem to have lost my mojo somewhat with trip planning. Planning anything has ended up with disappointment a few times over in 2020.

I feel for my own well being I need to have something in the works though, a multiday walk really helps centre me (yes, sounds cheesy but it seems to naturally happen when my mind is unoccupied) and walking for a few days seems to recharge me from working permanent night shift as I only have the natural light and dark to allow my body to get into a more healthy rhythm.

Be assured that even if your trip plans are thwarted, making those plans gets you closer than if you don't make them. My walking plans have an approximate 50% achievement rate, but if I didn't make those plans, nothing would be achieved.

I think you are 100% correct in your observations with natural light. Natural light has been my key to avoiding jet lag for a few years, and it is certainly a fuss free and effective aid in achieving a quick and natural reset.

Stick with it. :)

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Sat 02 Jan, 2021 6:01 am

Agree 2020 has been a terrible year for bushwalking.

My NZ trip cancelled, at least 5 other trips also cancelled due to lockdowns, NP closures or weather.

When the stars have aligned most of my walks have been restricted to a day as I did a course to pandemic proof my work. But this ment I had little time for extended walks.

It's been the year I've been stuck inside the most. :(

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Sat 02 Jan, 2021 3:16 pm

I am the same Wildwanderer, this year I have been indoors and far more inactive than normal. Fitness and general outlook on things taken a knock from that.
Very proactive of you to do some further learning to Covid proof your income. Have you finished the course now?

Stry, ahh your success rate makes me feel a bit less demoralised by my own repeatedly scuttled plans. I did some online browsing last night at work and came up with a a few loose ideas, other than locally walking though, nothing locked in. Perhaps if I just plan something in my local area, follow it through, I will be buoyed and more inclined to get my mojo back.

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Sun 03 Jan, 2021 6:49 am

Ms_Mudd wrote:I am the same Wildwanderer, this year I have been indoors and far more inactive than normal. Fitness and general outlook on things taken a knock from that.
Very proactive of you to do some further learning to Covid proof your income. Have you finished the course now?

Stry, ahh your success rate makes me feel a bit less demoralised by my own repeatedly scuttled plans. I did some online browsing last night at work and came up with a a few loose ideas, other than locally walking though, nothing locked in. Perhaps if I just plan something in my local area, follow it through, I will be buoyed and more inclined to get my mojo back.

Unfortunately my industry was devastated by COVID effects. The course is actually a career change lifeboat in case my current work doesn't recover this year. I've completed it but I'll be doing another one February-September to complete the two qualifications needed to make a successful change into that new industry.(should the industry change be necessary)

My plan is similar to yours, I've set my sights on smaller more local trips around Sydney. There are a few overnighters I can do within a 30 min drive so Im hoping to do one of those in the next couple of weeks. It won't be my preferred remote wilderness experience but at least Il be surrounded by trees even if I can still hear a highway.:lol:

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Sun 03 Jan, 2021 10:44 am

Sorry to hear your industry has been so heavily affected WW, I can't even begin to imagine that stress on top of everything else.
I have been very grateful to be a healthcare worker this last year, more work than I can poke a stick at due to colleagues needing time off to get swabbed etc.
Wishing us both exciting, recharging local adventures!

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Wed 13 Jan, 2021 12:05 pm

Hi All.
The Kowmung from Tuglow falls to Cox thence onward to Katoomba.

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Wed 13 Jan, 2021 9:33 pm

A few days on the Heysen in May - Cape Jervis to Victor Harbour-ish. Followed by a couple of nights in a cottage somewhere on the Fleurieu.

Jatbula mid September- going to be rather warm, but with 6 of us going it was difficult to get a booking at all. We’ll start looking for cancellations but I doubt we’ll be successful in that regard. August was our preferred time.

If I’m unable to travel interstate I’ll come up with something else.....

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Thu 21 Jan, 2021 11:46 am

southern part of the Heysen Trail end of May 5 day hike getting very excited

Re: SO? Where are you headed when this is over??

Thu 21 Jan, 2021 12:51 pm

rmbnd wrote:southern part of the Heysen Trail end of May 5 day hike getting very excited

You too??? :lol:
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