St Columba Falls

20 min to 40 min

1.1 km

↑ 66 m
↓ -66 m

Easy track
Starting from the car park at the end of St Columba Falls Road, St Columba Falls State Reserve, this walk leads to the beautiful Columba Falls. A well-formed 600m track with boardwalk sections takes you through the cool and shady rainforest to a lookout platform at the base of the 90 metres tall falls. The track is well-maintained, with a moderate climb from the base of the falls back to the car park. The track can get a bit muddy after rain. Picnic and toilet facilities are located at the start of the walk. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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