National Pass from Wentworth Falls to Conservation Hut
Dharug & Gundungurra Country

3 h 30 min to 4 h

3.9 km

↑ 1086 m
↓ -1055 m

Hard track
Starting at Wentworth Falls picnic area, this scenic and historic walk explores many waterfalls, lookouts and cliff edges. The walk covers a large number of steps and runs beside fenced cliff edges, so walkers will need to be fit, and also comfortable with heights. After visiting some grand waterfalls, this walk follows the cliff line, then visits another series of lovely falls in the upper Valley of the Waters. After a few more lookouts, this walk brings you to the Conservation Hut, a great spot for a picnic or cafe meal. Let us begin by acknowledging the Dharug & Gundungurra people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present. 
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