Fairfax Walk
Guringai Country

20 min to 30 min
30 min to 45 min

760 m

↑ 56 m
↓ -56 m

Smooth & flat
This walk provides some of the best views in Sydney. This pleasant stroll and wheelchair-accessible walk starts from the car park at the end of the North Head Scenic Drive, and follows the asphalt footpath as it loops around the tip of North Head. Enjoy views of the entrance to Sydney Harbour, the coastal cliff line and a historic gun emplacement. The stunning lookouts provide great views all year round and a popular vantage point for whale watchers. The whales pass by twice annually, heading north in June and July, and again when they return to the Antarctic in August and October. Let us begin by acknowledging the Guringai people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present. 
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