Woodlands Historic Park Circuit

3 h to 5 h

11.1 km

↑ 200 m
↓ -199 m

Hard track
To start this walk, head from Providence Access Road, Greenvale and follow the Murrup Gurrong Yan track south toward the Homestead Track. After a short while, you'll come into kangaroo land, a delightful spot with kangaroos to be seen jumping around. Once you reach Greenvale Creek, the track will start to head uphill before reaching a section fenced off for bandicoots at Gellibrand Hill. Once you're at the top, take a break and enjoy the surroundings before heading back. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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