Mowarry Bay to Red Cliffs
Yuin Country

3 h to 3 h 30 min

8.8 km

↑ 202 m
↓ -202 m

Hard track
The walk from Mowarry Point to Red Cliffs is an interesting trip through quite a few distinct vegetation types, with a few money shots of the coast line. The grass, heaths, and melaleuca along the way break up the walk to Red Cliffs, which are absolutely stunning. Spend time at the Red Cliffs to see all the different rock formations and inlets that have been created by erosion. Be mindful to keep a safe distance from the edge. The road to the start of this walk is 4wd track only. Let us begin by acknowledging the Yuin people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present. 
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