White Knights of Evercreech

15 min to 30 min

1.3 km

↑ 27 m
↓ -27 m

Moderate track
Starting from the Evercreech Forest Reserve at the end of Egans Road, Mathinna, this walk takes you through a forest of white gums known as the 'White Knights'. Enjoy a quick and easy stroll amongst the majestic white gums of Evercreech, the tallest of their type in Australia. Known as the 'White Knights', these towering eucalyptus trees are over 90 metres tall and some are believed to be over 300 years old. A well-maintained walking track passes beneath the trees before climbing a hill to provide a more elevated view of the forest. Facilities at the reserve include barbecues, toilets, sheltered tables and park benches. You can also stay overnight at the free campground, where there are several flat campsites with fire pits. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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