Shellhouse and Grandstand

15 min to 30 min
15 min to 45 min

620 m

↑ 22 m
↓ -22 m

Easy track
Starting from the car park at the end of Grandstand Road, Kalbarri National Park, this walk takes you past Shellhouse and Grandstand via the Bigurda Trail. Shellhouse and Grandstand are a couple of lookouts in Kalbarri that offer excellent views of the dramatic coastal cliffs and the features that have been sculptured in them by the wind and water over their lifetime. Most of the coastline is limestone, but here the limestone has weathered away, leaving the red iron-rich sandstone exposed. The banding of different layers of coloured sandstone is memorable. Ocean-torn cliffs glow in the late afternoon as the setting sun shines on the sandstone rock faces. Dolphins and whales frequent the coastal fringes between July and November. Wide flat paths provide quick and easy access to these theses awesome lookouts on the rugged coast. The car park is surrounded by a bitumen path, and there is level access between the bays and the footpath. The bitumen path extends for the first few metres towards the lookout, and then the surface becomes firmly compacted gravel. Stay on the track as much as possible and be extra careful of the cliff edges and overhangs. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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