Ferntree Falls Loop

30 min to 45 min

1 km

↑ 107 m
↓ -107 m

Easy track
Starting from Ferntree Camping Ground, Raglan VIC, this circuit walk visits the Ferntree and Cascade waterfalls through the eucalypt woodland of Mount Buangor State Park. Ferntree Falls is a spectacular waterfall sitting amidst the ferns and moss covered rocks. Close your eyes and enjoy the sound of water gushing down, as the freshening air fills into your lungs. The messmate and blue gum forest is no less interesting than the waterfall, especially with all the bird species you can spot around. The aboriginal people of the Beeripmo Balug clan living here long ago called this forest 'Bereep-Bereep', which means 'wild mount'. Keep in mind that phone reception can be minimal to non-existent in the area, so prepare accordingly. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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