Mount Elimbah (Saddleback)

45 min to 1 h 15 min

1.5 km

↑ 81 m
↓ -81 m

Moderate track
Starting from Mount Elimbah Carpark off Old Gympie Road, Elimbah, this return walk takes you to the summit of Mount Elimbah also known as Saddleback Mountain/The Saddleback), exploring the eucalypt woodland of Glass House Mountains National Park. You’ll be surprised by how panoramic and stunning the other mountain peaks look from the summit, as it is only 120 metres high. As you walk amongst eucalypt trees, expect to see lots of wildflowers along with interesting bird species. In addition to the birdsong, you can hear the nostalgic sound of cicadas as well. Time the walk on a sunset or sunrise to get an extraordinarily beautiful view, and maybe enjoy some food & drinks as you watch the sky change colors. The short and undulating tracks make this walk a rather undemanding one, but the rocky footing and little rock scramble at the end can still be challenging for some. Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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