Enchanted Walk

20 min to 45 min

1.5 km

↑ 21 m
↓ -21 m

Easy track
Starting near the Interpretation Centre/Ranger Station on Cradle Mountain Road in Pencil Pine, Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, the aptly named Enchanted Walk takes you on a lovely circuit though a magical old-growth rainforest alongside Pencil Pine Creek. Stroll along the cascading creek among graceful myrtle trees and ancient pencil pines, surrounded by flourishing lichen and moss. Along the western bank of the creek you will come across several wombat burrows just on the edge of the track. Around dusk and dawn, wombats can be spotted foraging these areas. The walk starts by taking you through buttongrass moorland on a mixture of paved pathway and metal mesh, before heading through cool temperate rainforest on a boardwalk along the edges of Pencil Pine Creek. This is a short walk on a mostly flat track, being suitable for all ages and fitness levels. On the way back, you can stop for a hearty meal at Peppers Lodge. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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