Merimbula to Hobart Beach: Wharf to Wharf
Yuin Country

3 h 45 min to 6 h

13.9 km

↑ 195 m
↓ -192 m

Moderate track
Starting from Merimbula Wharf at the end of Lake Street, Merimbula, this walk takes you to Hobart Beach Campground via the Wharf to Wharf Walk (Section 1), visiting Bondi Lake and Bournda Lagoon along with multiple lookouts midway. This is the first section of the coastal 26km Wharf to Wharf Walk. This part of the W2W walk features westerly views as well, along with lagoons and peculiar lookouts. Remember to plan properly and make some time for the side trips, especially the Short Point one as you may be able to spot whales and interesting birdlife from there. The Hobart Beach Campground lets you swim, sail and paddle in the big Wallagoot Lake. The BBQs, showers, toilets combined with the relatively calm waters of the lake makes this place quite suitable for families. Just keep in mind that you’ll need to book your place beforehand. After heavy rainfall the lakes can flow out to sea, so always look out for tides and alternative track options. Let us begin by acknowledging the Yuin people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present. 
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