Bridal Falls

Bushwalking pictures.
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Bridal Falls

Postby Mitchc » Thu 12 Jun, 2014 5:23 pm

Had the afternoon off uni and it wasn't raining so decided to go for a quick stroll down to Bridal falls.

Finding randoms to take a photo for you





Remnants of an old track


After seeing some peoples' photos on this forum it makes me REALLY want a decent camera :lol:
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Re: Bridal Falls

Postby icefest » Thu 12 Jun, 2014 10:13 pm

Mitchc wrote:After seeing some peoples' photos on this forum it makes me REALLY want a decent camera :lol:

Nice shots, thanks for sharing.

Yep, the nice pics here have made me get a new camera too.. I pick it up next wed :D
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